Home » Ukraine has advanced even deeper into the Kursk region: ISW has assessed the scale

Ukraine has advanced even deeper into the Kursk region: ISW has assessed the scale

by alex

Ukraine has advanced even deeper into the Kursk region: ISW has assessed the scale Diana Kvasnevskaya

How the situation in the Kursk region has changed/RosSMI

Analysts from the American Institute for the Study of War stated that Ukraine could have advanced further in the Kursk region. Although Kyiv has not officially confirmed its participation in the battles in Kursk.

ISW specialists recalled that the operation in Kursk began on August 6. The forces have likely already advanced to areas up to 35 kilometers from the international border with Sumy Oblast.

What is known about the troop advance in Kursk Oblast

Geolocation footage and Russian statements indicate that Ukrainian forces continued their rapid advance further into Kursk Oblast on August 8… However, Ukrainian troops certainly do not control all of the territory within Russia's maximalist demands for Ukraine's advance in Kursk Oblast, analysts said.

They also analyzed that Russian mibloggers made contradictory statements about the positions of the alleged Ukrainian Armed Forces in Sudzha, which is approximately 10 kilometers from the international border:

  • Some mibloggers claimed that Sudzha was captured completely,
  • Some – that only part of the city,
  • Still others – that the Ukrainian Armed Forces also advanced further – to the North from Sudzha along the 38K-024 highway near Anastasyevka.

Experts from the American Institute for the Study of War, citing geolocation footage published on August 7 and 8, wrote that Ukrainian troops are operating in the area of ​​Goncharovka (west of Sudzha) and north of Zaoleshenka (northwest of Sudzha). However, a Russian milblogger said that Ukrainian forces captured Goncharovka.

According to geolocated photographs, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are operating in Novoivanovka – 10 kilometers north of the international border and northwest of Sudzha. Russian mibloggers said that the military had already captured Novoivanovka and Bogdanovka – to the northwest of Sudzha.

Rosmilbloggers wrote that Ukrainian forces had also advanced:

  • to the northwest from Sudzha to Malaya Loknya and to the outskirts of Cherkasskoye Porechye;
  • to the northeast of Sudzha in the area of ​​Kruglenky, Martynovka, Bolshoye Soldatskoye;
  • to the east of Sudzha near Mirny, although two Russian mibloggers denied the claims that Ukrainian forces were operating near and within Bolshoye Soldatsky.

Also, enemy soldiers wrote that allegedly Russia repelled the Ukrainian attack near Korenevo, and Ukrainian troops attacked in the area of ​​Snaghost – to the south of Korenevo and near Olgovka, which is to the east of Korenevo.

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