Home » Ukraine could be “strangled in the arms”: was it possible to avoid a war with Russia

Ukraine could be “strangled in the arms”: was it possible to avoid a war with Russia

by alex

By invading Ukraine, Russia is trying to restore its 20th century empire. The fate of many other countries will also depend on the outcome of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Yes, in the commentsChannel 24said blogger and journalist Pavel Kazarin. According to him, they are talking about the countries of Eastern Europe, which were once members of the so-called “Warsaw bloc”. By the way, the leaders of its former member countries expressed warm support for Ukraine on the anniversary of a full-scale war with Russia.

“For example, countries such as Kazakhstan, the Baltic countries, which restored their independence in the same year with us. Today's war is wider only our country,” he said.

Kazarin is convinced that, in particular,on the battlefieldit is decided whether Russia will be able to “restore its empire with fire and sword.” In his opinion, the aggressor country wants to revive the format of existence of the 20th century, and this can be seen since 2014, when Moscow invaded Crimea.

In general, probably, since 1991 the year when the Kremlin decided that the emergence of an independent Ukraine was “a kind of historical accident that would not be superfluous to reset,” the journalist said.

Could the war have been avoided

The blogger believes that Ukraine could have been conquerednot by military means.

< p>“This is what they say: “strangle in the arms”. Such a scenario also exists when one country actually absorbs another, completely subordinating the neighbor's business interests to its own business interests,” he said.

< p>Kazarin noted that if more far-sighted people lived in Russia, they would focus on this “soft power” in order to “dissolve us in themselves.”

“There are people in the Kremlin who do not represent our country so much, so convinced themselves that we are something artificial, that every time they choose exactly the scenario that unites Ukraine,” he said.

Journalist Pavel Kazarin said that it would depend on the outcome of the Russian- Ukrainian war: watch the video

Russia is doomed

Pavel Kazarin stressed that Russiawas doomedsooner or later to return to its “imperial discourse”.

“Russia was doomed to the phantom pains of the empire. If the president's name would have been different in Russia, maybe today we would see not a military operation, but an economic operation to absorb our country,” he summed up.

Russia's war with Ukraine: latest news

  • On the anniversary of Russia's full-scale aggression against Ukraine, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine declared the “Year of Retribution”. During the year of a full-scale war, Ukrainian defenders liquidated 146,820 Russians.
  • The invaders are trying to attack in the Kupyansky, Limansky, Bakhmutsky, Avdeevsky and Shakhtyorsky directions. Over the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine repulsed about 100 enemy attacks.
  • The Russians changed their propaganda rhetoric – they adopted it from the Ukrainians. Now propagandists tell their population that they “must go to war, because otherwise they will disappear as a country, as a state and as a population.

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