Home » Ukraine asks for amendments to the OSCE charter to exclude Russia from the organization

Ukraine asks for amendments to the OSCE charter to exclude Russia from the organization

by alex

Ukraine asks to expel Russia from the OSCE/Channel 24 Collage

Russia has already suffered a large number of defeats in the international arena. However, the occupiers will have to feel new blows from the world community.

After a full-scale invasion of Russian infidels, the OSCE mission ceased its activities in Ukraine. Despite this, Russia still remains a full member of the organization.

What is needed to expel Russia from the OSCE

Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Humanitarian and Information Policy and a member of the Ukrainian delegation to the OSCE PA Evgenia Kravchuk spoke about the steps Ukraine is taking to expel Russians from the organization. There is no mechanism for the expulsion of an OSCE member state yet, but our representatives are working to ensure that it appears.

The exclusion mechanism should be prescribed in the OSCE. We have submitted an amendment to the changes in the regulations that will allow the exclusion of a country that commits aggression against another member country of the organization. But it is necessary that member countries vote for it. Voting will take place at the next session in the fall,” Kravchuk said.

The Russians themselves and their apostates Belarusians may not be allowed to attend the next OSCE meeting, so blocking with their direct participation can be avoided. However, there is a danger that they will be able to block changes to the OSCE charter because of their satellites, but if the exclusion of Russia does not happen, this will cast doubt on the activities of the OSCE PA itself.


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