Home » Two reasons why Ukraine will defeat the two-headed zombie chicken dragon

Two reasons why Ukraine will defeat the two-headed zombie chicken dragon

by alex

Ukraine will certainly defeat Russia in the war/”Nova Doba”

Why will we win this war? Two reasons. A deeply subjective post about the future. You can say a prophecy on the sensations and analysis. Without pretensions to infallibility, but I’m ready to bet on a gold watch with rubies that it will.

Two reasons for the Ukrainian tomorrow

Among a number of reasons, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, of course, have two that guarantee Ukraine victory in the war against the Russian invaders.

1) The truth is behind us.This is sometimes not enough, as it was not enough 100 years ago, when the Ukrainian People's Republic fought the Bolshevik invaders for its independence. But this time the time has come, people have learned the truth and, having tasted independence since 1991, they will not settle for less. Rolling back won't work. Especially the Russians, who couldn't help themselves.

There was everything on this planet, but in the end, after 100 or 1000 years, the truth always wins. It's just like the essence of things. There are Ukrainians, they have been living here for a long time, and they will have their own independent state. For it is a truth with which nothing else can be done in the context of eternity. It can be delayed, it can be hindered, it can be suppressed by dragoons, lancers, hussars, cavalry, the KGB and other imperial and neo-imperial rubbish, but it cannot be destroyed.

2) Our freedom has become a paradox of culture. And this is the final point in the irreversibility of the process.

This incredibly cruel, cynical and unfair war has affected the existence of Ukrainians and other peoples. She shot at the archetypes. Now living water is spouting from ctonic springs and the human hand cannot stop this flow.

Victory of the real

Adaptation, philistinism, graphomania, inferiority, dullness, poverty, opportunism, harlotry – all this near-cultural rags, which for decades pretended to be our real culture, fades, withers and dies in the radiance of affairs.

The present was before, but the weed obscured it, clogged it, and the imperial gardeners from a foreign neighboring soil also got into the habit of weeding and replanting the best for themselves. Now the honest, the talented and the beautiful are breaking through and winning. Persuades and captivates. Liberates and manifests the truth and freedom of Ukraine. The Imperials are being chased in the neck.

We now have the beginning of our renaissance in culture, but one spring day we will understand that we live in a golden era, where artists and artists, thinkers and thinkers will address Kotlyarevsky, Shevchenko and Ukrainka not as idols, but as good companions.

Millions will hear and see us

We will inspire millions of others around the world. You will see that everything honest, humane and decent even in Russian culture (in its part not poisoned by the empire) will rise up on our side. Artists of dozens of peoples will feel that they cannot but create about us, about this truth, about this drama, about their reflection in our country.

And the truth, armed with art, cannot be defeated. A culture that firmly speaks the truth with all its voices cannot be stopped or banned.

To paraphrase the words of our modern philosopher Vladimir Volkovsky, all the big minstrels will sing our victory. The first ones have already begun singing, and this will make it more beautiful, expected and faster.

However, every prophecy has its “but”. This is a tribute to looking behind the dial of ontology. Defeating the two-headed dragon chicken zombie is not the end. Then we have to defeat ourselves. Roll up your sleeves, weed the weeds of your fields, burn out of yourself the filth, cowardice, depravity. Do not cringe and do not be stunned in the rays of the most sincere and bright glory. Rebuild matter and finally order the spirit.

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