Home ยป Turkish Foreign Minister called the plan of “grain corridor” in the Black Sea realistic

Turkish Foreign Minister called the plan of “grain corridor” in the Black Sea realistic

by alex

Turkish Foreign Minister says that according to the UN plan to export grain is realistic/Channel 24 Collage

The UN has developed a plan for the so-called corridor for the export of Ukrainian grain. Russia blocked it in the Black Sea.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu called the proposed plan realistic. He advocated continuing negotiations on this issue with the participation of all parties.

On the issue of the “grain corridor” we are discussing a mechanism involving the UN, Russia, Ukraine and Turkey. If there are products that world countries import from both Ukraine and Russia, we must jointly open the way for deliveries. – the minister said.

According to him, it is also important to coordinate the safety of navigation in the Black Sea. Lavrov stated that they want Ukraine to clear the waters near the ports.

Turkey on the end of the war

Cavusoglu stressed that the end of the war between Russia and Ukraine through negotiations meets the interests of the entire world community.

He noted that the statements of recent days give reason to hope for a return to the negotiating table between Russia and Ukraine.

“Today, a more positive atmosphere has formed for the resumption of the negotiation process between Russia and Ukraine than a few weeks ago,” – said Cavusoglu.

What is known about the unblocking of Ukrainian ports

  • President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke about the details of negotiations to unblock Ukrainian ports for grain exports. Ukraine is negotiating the unhindered export of grain with a number of countries and the United Nations. However, the main guarantor remains the weapons our country receives from partners. Russia, on the other hand, is dispersing the fake that Ukraine simply does not export grain. In fact, she blocked our ports during the war, so the world is threatened by famine.
  • The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry stated that our state appreciates Turkey's efforts to unblock Ukrainian ports. However, there are no agreements on this issue between the official Kyiv, Ankara and Moscow. The diplomatic department assures that Ukraine is making every effort to unblock ports and prevent a global food crisis.
  • At the same time, by blocking Ukrainian ports, Russia is taking advantage of the situation and cynically stealing our grain in the occupied territories and trying to sell it to other countries. Russia already wanted to sell the stolen Ukrainian grain to other states. Kyiv intervened in time and warned them of the consequences for buying stolen Ukrainian grain.

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