Home » Trump's rhetoric harms the United States itself: what are the possible levers of influence to help Ukraine

Trump's rhetoric harms the United States itself: what are the possible levers of influence to help Ukraine

by alex

Ukraine expects military assistance from USA, but this decision has not yet been made. At first, discussions were conducted on migration issues, and now they are talking about the possible influence of Donald Trump, who opposes aid to our state.

The situation in the USA is quite serious, but it is not critical. Valery Klochok, head of the Vezha Center for Public Analytics, told Channel 24 about this, adding that the political crisis in the Republican Party really has a very negative impact on everything that happens.

Why aid to Ukraine is blocked

Today the main problem is not the border, but the political ambitions of Donald Trump , who wants to return to the presidency at any cost. However, the methods he uses in his political struggle and his confrontation with the White House are getting their due response. . He makes statements that are unpleasant for the entire US establishment. For example, what concerns foreign policy. After this, Trump is under legal pressure. This significantly satisfies his appetites,” noted Valery Klochok.

The Senate's procedural vote on the Ukraine aid bill suggests that Trump is taking these pressures into account and understands the dangers. Republicans also understand this, which is why they want to support the foreign policy vector and the national security law. Interestingly, this law provides funding for the US defense complex to provide assistance to its partners, including Taiwan, Israel and Ukraine.

The situation in the world is quite complex. Therefore, with this bill, Democrats and Republicans demonstrate their commitment to the long-standing foreign tradition of the United States – to be guardians of sustainable democracy in the world,” Klochok emphasized.

What levers of influence do Trump have

In fact, there are a number of Republicans who also understand that funds need to be allocated to Ukraine. Moreover, this amount is not extremely large for US GDP.

We can speak frankly about the fact that sometimes pressure is put on Trump through lawsuits so that he does not resort to such populist rhetoric, which primarily harms the United States itself. Unfortunately, he himself does not understand this,” Klochok emphasized.

He added that assistance for Ukraine must be voted on, because it is extremely important for the United States. This country has bitter experience of participating in military conflicts in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, where many of their military personnel died. Therefore, today the United States does not hide the fact that it spends little money on external defense, but has enormous security, in particular by investing in Ukraine.

Besides the judicial one, there is still another lever of influence on Trump. We are talking about a procedural decision that can recall House Speaker Mike Johnson and prevent him from blocking consideration of the bill. There have already been such cases in the history of the United States.

When such a procedure is launched, the speaker is simply afraid and puts the question to a vote. Therefore, today there are tools to put pressure on Republicans, they are used, and Johnson understands this very well,” Klochok emphasized.

Why they criticize Speaker Johnson

  • The US Senate on February 13 supported a bill that provides $60 billion in aid for Ukraine. Now it must be approved by the House of Representatives, whose speaker is Republican Mike Johnson. However, he criticized the document, and in order for Joe Biden to sign it, the consent of both Houses of Congress is needed.
  • Mike Johnson did not like that the border provision was removed from the bill, then There were only plans to allocate aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. When this decision was approved by the Senate, Western journalists began to write that the Speaker of the House of Representatives would not put it to a vote. Subsequently, Johnson himself stated that “national security begins at our border” and actually blocked consideration of the bill.
  • After this, Joe Biden once again addressed Congress. He noted that voting on the aid package is critical to US security. Biden added that the cost of inaction is very high, and it is growing every day, especially in Ukraine. The president also recalled Russian troops who continue shelling and Vladimir Putin, who has not forgotten his intentions to conquer Ukraine.

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