Trump's answer: what si wants to achieve a possible visit to Russia Angela Figin < Source _ngContent-Sc167 = "" Media = "(Min-Width: 621px) And (Max-Width: 1920px)" Type/Webp "Srcset = " ;W=768& ;H=432& ;FIT=COVER& ;Omp; webp&q=70">
< p class = "Insert cke-markup" dir = "ltr" >< strong > Recall! During the inauguration speech, Trump announced the plans to “return” the Panama Canal. The US President accused Panama of allegedly transferred control over the Channel of China.
< p dir = "ltr" > “this is how diplomacy works. However, now the Trump must be turned on and understand, it is necessary that China is an important player, in particular for the United States, ”said Murzagulov.
< p dir =" ltr "> actually Beijing and Washington for each other than for everyone Of these, Moscow. Therefore, now Trump needs to pull the si to his side.
< p class = "Bloquote cke-markup" dir = "ltr" > if Xi seriously begins to help Putin, then nothing good from this It won't. Because now he simply uses Putin and pumps out oil and gas out of it, ”said the publicist and public figure.
< p dir =" ltr "> Russia before the full -scale invasion was 2% the world economy, and now even less. At the same time, the United States is a fourth part of the global economy and therefore it is not even necessary to worry that China will spread from the USA to Russia.
< P Class = "Bloquote Cke-Markup" Dir = "Ltr" > this is continuous delirium. Of course, for China, Russia is a cheap gas station with poor -quality fuel, where you can save. However, the United States is the place where China earns to feed its population, ”added Murzagulov.60 ~ p dir =” ltr “> by the way, the president of the public organization” Liberal Democratic League Ukraine “Arthur Kharitonov believes that Xi Jinping seeks the end of the war in Ukraine on Chinese conditions, which is profitable for Russia. At the same time, Trump tries to reduce the influence of China on the Kremlin.