Home » Trump's ally called on Cameron to “kiss her ass”: what statement by the minister outraged her so much

Trump's ally called on Cameron to “kiss her ass”: what statement by the minister outraged her so much

by alex

Green urged Cameron to “kiss her ass”/Collage 24 Channel

Not only Donald Trump himself is outrageous, but also his associates. So, Marjorie Taylor Greene did not put her words into her pocket, calling on David Cameron to “kiss her ass.”

With these words, she addressed to the British Foreign Secretary after his call to help Ukraine. James Cameron addressed Congress, and in response received a disgraced statement from Mrs. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Called him to take care of his own country

Marjorie Taylor Greene is a member of the US House of Representatives from the Republican Party. She is one of the Trumpists. And, as it turned out, she also has something to shock about.

This was preceded by James Cameron's call to congressmen. He asked them not to “give in to tyrants”,as some figures did in their time during Adolf Hitler’s rise to power. Marjorie Taylor Greene was outraged by the Foreign Secretary's call.

(Cameron – Channel 24) needs to worry about his own country, and, frankly, he can kiss my ass,” Green said in a comment to Sky News on Wednesday.

Please note that Cameron responded to her comment. He insisted that he had no desire to “lecture” the United States about the financing of our government. On Thursday, during a news conference in Poland, he tried to ease the tension by appealing to Republicans. He called for further financial and military assistance to Ukraine.

We must not allow Putin to think that he can wait us out or hold out longer, and that is why this vote in Congress is critical, Cameron stressed. lecturing American friends or telling American friends what to do.” He added that has a “deep and abiding love” for the United States.

Recall that the US Senate is in voted for the package bill this week. It provided for the allocation of $61 billion for Ukraine. However, the corresponding document encountered resistance in the House of Representatives, as well as criticism from Donald Trump.

Donald Trump insists that Ukraine should not be given $61 billion, but rather given it on credit. And with the wording: if they can give it away, it’s good, but if they can’t, it doesn’t matter.

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