Home » Trump relied on the execution of Tsarnaev

Trump relied on the execution of Tsarnaev

by alex

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Donald trump criticized the court’s decision overturned the death sentence of the perpetrators of the attack on the Boston marathon Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. This U.S. President wrote in his Twitter.

“Few people deserve the death sentence more than Boston bomber Dzhokhar tsarnaev. The court agreed that his act “was one of the most horrific terrorist attacks since September 11, 2001.” However, the court of appeal overturned the death sentence,” he complained.

Trump stated that now the Federal government should again require an exceptional measure of punishment upon repeated consideration of the case. In addition, he concluded that it was “ridiculous” that the process lasts so long.

31 Jul appelyatsionny court overturned the death sentence of the Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Case was submitted to the lower court for a new process at the stage of sentencing. Before tsarnaev was found guilty on 30 counts.

The explosions at the Boston marathon on 15 April 2013, three people were killed, more than 260 were injured. Intelligence agencies have established that the suspects of a crime are brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. During the pursuit they engaged in a gunfight with police, Tamerlan was mortally wounded, and Dzhokhar was arrested.

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