Home » Trump has enormous influence: can he “dump” Ukraine

Trump has enormous influence: can he “dump” Ukraine

by alex

Trump has enormous influence: can he “dump” Ukraine Petro Sineokiy

Western media are already starting to write about Trump's possible plans for a war in Ukraine. Some things can scare you, but it’s too early to make any guesses.

About this 24 Channel< /strong> said political strategist Boris Tizenhausen, noting that now it is worth being careful with various materials about Trump and Biden in the Western media. Election races begin in the States. And now a lot of strange materials can be thrown into the information space.

What to expect from Trump

The media reported, citing two people close to Trump, that he wants to quickly end a full-scale war in Ukraine. For this purpose, he is allegedly considering an agreement on NATO non-expansion to the East. We are talking about Georgia and Ukraine. There may also be negotiations regarding “how much territory of Ukraine Russia can keep for itself.”

As Tiesenhausen noted, none of the options for the development of events should be rejected. At one time, Russia occupied the Ukrainian Crimea. And there were no extremely decisive actions from the States.

It is possible that Trump is considering something like this. Can he solve this without us? I think not. Can he make sure that everything is resolved without us? I think so. Remember how he influenced the Republicans when they passed the relief package for us ? And he was not the president. “He has enormous influence on the Republican Party,” Tiesenhausen noted.

And not only on it. Trump may stop military aid to Ukraine. And Europe is unlikely to be able to compensate for these volumes. With fewer weapons, it will be even more difficult for our state.

In order for Ukraine to recapture all the territories, it is likely that many times more weapons are needed. This option should also not be rejected. But it can probably only happen under certain conditions.

It's possible if Trump becomes president; will reach an agreement with Putin. And then Putin will ditch him. Then Trump may well say: “I will give Ukraine so many weapons that I will punish this bastard.” Sooner or later we will return all our territories. Maybe more. But in these realities it may still be extremely difficult to do this, says Tizengauzen.

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