Home » Trump accused of using photos of Russian planes in the election campaign

Trump accused of using photos of Russian planes in the election campaign

by alex

The campaign headquarters of US President Donald Trump was convicted of using photos of Russian planes and machine guns in a campaign timed to coincide with the upcoming presidential elections in November. It is reported by the Politico newspaper.

From September 8 to September 12, advertisements were shown to Internet users in the US asking them to support the US military. The poster shows military men with machine guns in their hands, behind them are planes. The picture also contains the inscription: “Support our troops.”

Experts interviewed by the newspaper came to the conclusion that the photograph shows Russian-made MiG-29 aircraft. Also, according to them, the soldiers are holding Russian AK-74 assault rifles. The experts said that a stock photo from the Internet was taken for the advertising image.

On September 10, the United States imposed sanctions on three Russians and a Ukrainian due to interference in American elections and cyber attacks. The black list includes Russian citizens Anton Andreev, Daria Aslanova and Artem Lifshits, who are allegedly connected with the Internet Research Agency, which manipulated the elections. The Americans attribute it to businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin.

In April 2019, United States Special Attorney Robert Mueller published a report on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, which was won by Donald Trump. The report says that Moscow did interfere in the American electoral process, but suspicions about the connection between the Russian side and Trump could not be confirmed. Later, the Federal Court of Washington ruled that the connection of the “troll factory” with the Russian authorities was also not proven.

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