Home » Troops from the DPRK may appear in the war in Ukraine: a military observer assessed the potential threat

Troops from the DPRK may appear in the war in Ukraine: a military observer assessed the potential threat

by alex

Troops from the DPRK may appear in the war in Ukraine: a military observer assessed the potential threat Angela Figin

The topic of the Korean military in the war in Ukraine is already on the agenda of the Russians propagandists. Putin's henchmen say this will be a symmetrical response to the actions of Western countries, which are still considering whether to send troops to Ukraine.

In one of the propaganda broadcasts the number was 200 thousand, and another Russian military correspondent announced 500 thousand soldiers from the DPRK. Military observer from Israel David Sharp told 24 Channel, that so far we only hear the fantasies of military officers and their reasoning, which are unlikely to be based on inside information.

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However, it is necessary to understand that foreign troops, in particular from North Korea, is not the most effective force on the battlefield. After all, they are not familiar with the situation, are not motivated, do not know the language, are not accustomed to the climate, most likely do not have combat experience and are unlikely to have combat training.

If we talk about large forces, then, in my opinion, this is hardly possible. Moreover, 200 – 500 thousand soldiers at a time. “This looks like outright nonsense,” said Sharp.

According to him, in order to simply be able to transfer, supply, deploy such a quantity, colossal efforts are needed on the part of Russia, which it cannot I can do it. If this kind of contingent does end up at the front, then we are talking about a much smaller number.

The Russians can only dream of 500 thousand Korean special forces, but we cannot exclude the possibility that Kim Chen-un will give Russia something as an experiment for a lot of money. However, this will be a great public shame for Moscow.

Russia's cooperation with the DPRK

On June 18, Vladimir Putin visited the DPRK for the first time in 24 years. According to Russian media, the leaders of Russia and North Korea signed an agreement on a “comprehensive strategic partnership.” The Kremlin called this document “fundamental.”

A number of media outlets also reported that Kim Jong-un promised Vladimir Putin full support in his war against Ukraine.

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