Home » Traditional trick – Feygin about stuffing Russia to disrupt supplies to Ukraine

Traditional trick – Feygin about stuffing Russia to disrupt supplies to Ukraine

by alex

Feigin about Russia's actions to disrupt the supply of weapons/АР

< strong _ngcontent-sc83="">The Russians are trying to spread the word that the Ukrainian military is handing over weapons they receive from international partners. But the invaders allegedly destroy it. However, all this is fake.

The fact is that these are the traditional actions of the Kremlin propagandists. Russian human rights activist Mark Feygin said this on Channel 24.

According to him, this indicates that the Russians are aware of their loss in this war. Therefore, they put pressure on international partners with information.

“It is important for them to show that, for example, weapons supplied by the West are sold. And also, allegedly everything is corrupt, as if the Russians are destroying it all,” Feygin explained.


So they need to “zero out” the meaning of military supplies. This is a common trick. Of course, Moscow will do this,” the human rights activist said.

Why Russia is doing this

The point is that they prevent or disrupt this communication. Everything is done so that these weapons do not arrive, because this will greatly affect what is happening in the east of Ukraine.

However, the Kremlin failed to stop the supply of these weapons. Moreover, there are even more of them. Therefore, the Russians are hysterical, Feygin added.

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