Home » “Traces lead to Ukraine”: the perpetrators of the “explosions” have already been found in Pridnestrovie

“Traces lead to Ukraine”: the perpetrators of the “explosions” have already been found in Pridnestrovie

by alex

“Traces lead to Ukraine”: perpetrators of “explosions” have already been found in Transnistria/Illustrative photo from Transnistria/RosSMI

The so-called “head of the Transnistrian region” Vadim Krasnoselsky addressed the residents of Transnistria on April 26 and stated that “traces of terrorist” attacks allegedly lead to Ukraine.

According to him, this is allegedly indicated by the preliminary conclusions of operational-investigative measures. At the same time, Krasnoselsky assured that “provocateurs will not be able to involve Pridnestrovie in the conflict.” Channel 24 reports this with reference to Russian propaganda media.

Krasnoselsky demands an investigation from Ukraine

Thus, he called on the Ukrainian authorities to conduct an investigation ” illegal movement of certain militant groups and their commission of terrorist acts” in Transnistria.

As the first conclusions of the urgent operational and investigative measures showed, the traces of these attacks lead to Ukraine. After the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine, Pridnestrovie maintained neutrality and openly declared this that we are not aggressors, that Pridnestrovie did not plan and does not plan to attack our neighbors. (…) I assume that those who organized this attack have the goal of dragging Transnistria into the conflict, he said.

The so-called “president” of Transnistria also appealed to the central authorities of Moldova. He urged them not to succumb to provocations.

Do not succumb to provocations either, do not let Moldova be drawn into aggression against Transnistria. It is necessary to resolve the issues of the life of our two states, to prevent any aggression that could become the prologue of a big war – in no case. We must agree – to agree on peace, first of all, and to preserve this peace, – said Krasnoselsky.

Recall that over the past 24 hours, explosions have occurred on the territory of the self-proclaimed Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. In particular, the towers that broadcast Russian propaganda were destroyed. There was also information about an attack on an airfield near Tiraspol.

How they want to hang up provocations in Transnistria on Ukraine:

  • Ukrainian intelligence has established that Russia is preparing to inflict rocket or artillery shelling on Transnistria . They want to blame the Ukrainian armed forces for this.
  • The aggressor state sent fake messages to people from supposedly Ukrainian military, threatening that everyone who does not evacuate by 19:00 will be killed without warning.
  • SBU notes that Ukraine is not involved in these reports, as well as in the terrorist attacks in Transnistria. These messages are sent by Russian special services.

Note that after the meeting of the UN Security Council, Moldovan President Maia Sandu reported that, according to available information, armed groups from Transnistria were involved in the explosions in Transnistria.

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