Home » Too weak – Morawiecki explained what Poland wants from a new package of sanctions against Russia

Too weak – Morawiecki explained what Poland wants from a new package of sanctions against Russia

by alex

The EU failed to unanimously adopt the tenth package of sanctions against Russia. Poland is not happy with him.

Restrictions against a terrorist country are too lenient. Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki stated this during a joint press conference with President Volodymyr Zelensky, Channel 24 reports.

The tenth package sanctions against Russia are too soft

Morawiecki said that Poland is not satisfied with the tenth package of sanctions against Russia, because the restrictions are “too soft and weak”.

We suggest that there be different personalities. We suggested that there be Russian products, including rubber. We are putting pressure on Western allies to make this package more upset,” the head of the Polish government explained.

The prime minister added that on February 24 he would send a request to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to add several Russian propagandists.

“Because we know how harmful Russian propaganda is. What lies, what propaganda can be sown by these people. And we will petition for this package to be built as widely as possible,” Morawiecki said.


What Warsaw has to offer

EU members have come to an agreement on almost all points of the new package of sanctions against Russia. However, the stumbling block was the import of synthetic rubber. Polish diplomats say they are not blocking the package, but want these sanctions to make sense.

A number of EU countries have called for a complete ban on imports of synthetic rubber from Russia. However, there are those who are addicted to it. That is why Brussels, according to one of the diplomats, proposed setting the quota limit at 560,000 metric tons.

Polish diplomats believe that this makes sanctions meaningless, because the EU proposes to set a limit that exceeds current imports. Trade data also testify to this – over the past 10 years, Russia has not exceeded the proposed EU synthetic rubber import quota.

Pay attention! EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell was confident that that the European Union will approve new sanctions against Russia on the anniversary of its invasion of Ukraine.

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