Home » To whom 100 thousand hryvnias, and to whom – 30: the Ministry of Defense gave an explanation on the calculation of payments to soldiers

To whom 100 thousand hryvnias, and to whom – 30: the Ministry of Defense gave an explanation on the calculation of payments to soldiers

by alex

The Ministry of Defense decided to provide clarifications on the calculation of additional monetary rewards for military personnel. The agency receives a lot of questions with a request to clarify the changes regarding the payment procedure.

We are talking about the accrual of an additional monetary reward of 100,000 and 30,000 hryvnias. It is paid to military personnel who

  • are serving in military units and subunits as part of the Defense Forces or the reserve of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
  • are located within the areas of combat operations.

The Ministry of Defense explained how they pay money to the military

The Ministry of Defense said that, according to the new order of payments to military personnel, the performance of fire damage tasks on the line of combat collision is not is a prerequisite for the payment of additional remuneration in the amount of 100 thousand hryvnia.

Military personnel involved in the performance of tasks for “zero” are paid in proportion to the time they complete these tasks. In particular, it refers to:

  • delivery of diesel fuel to tanks,
  • delivery of food and water,
  • evacuation of personnel and property
  • developing firing positions,
  • providing communications.

In the case of performing similar tasks, not at zero, but in combat areas, the payment of remuneration is carried out in the amount of 30 thousand hryvnia per month in proportion to the time of combat missions.

In turn, the payment of a one-time monetary assistance to the families of military personnel who died during martial law is carried out in case of death in the line of duty. It does not depend on the place of death:

  • or near the line of combat,
  • or in areas of combat operations,
  • or outside the areas of combat operations .

Pay attention! The new procedure for paying additional remuneration came into force on February 1, 2023.

The Ministry of Defense answered popular questions

The department cited several of the most popular questions of interest to military personnel. In particular, they relate to payments for training or rescuing soldiers in the rear.

I am a mobilized soldier. I am undergoing training at the training center of the DShU of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Zhytomyr region. I am mastering the specialty of an ATGM operator of one of the Western systems. Am I entitled to receive UAH 30,000?

The Ministry of Defense noted that the payment of additional remuneration for the period of training of military personnel in the training center for mastering foreign equipment is not provided.

I am a military doctor of the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Northern Region (Kharkov). Every day I save the lives of the military coming to us from the front line. Often the city is bombarded by the enemy. Will I receive an additional cash reward in the amount of UAH 30,000?

The department noted that military personnel receive such additional remuneration if they perform combat or special tasks in accordance with combat orders or orders. The military hospital is included in the active groupings of the Defense Forces.

I am a civil-military cooperation officer. I provide assistance to the civilian population in settlements located on the line of collision. What types of additional monetary remuneration will I receive?

The Ministry of Defense explained that the payment of additional remuneration in the amount of:

  • 100 thousand hryvnia is carried out in in the case of performing combat or special tasks on the line of collision to the depth of their performance by a military unit (subunit, including consolidated) of the first echelon of defense or offensive (counteroffensive, counterattack) inclusive of a battalion;
  • 30 thousand hryvnia – in case of execution combat or special tasks, according to combat orders, related to the provision of active groupings of troops of the Defense Forces directly in the areas of military operations.

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