Home » To spite Trump and Putin: the US Congress forbade the country's president to leave NATO

To spite Trump and Putin: the US Congress forbade the country's president to leave NATO

by alex

Congress showed loyalty to the Alliance against the backdrop of its strong position, despite aggressive policies Putin/Collage 24 Channel

Both houses of the American Parliament passed a law prohibiting the US President from arbitrarily announcing the country's withdrawal from the Alliance. Donald Trump and the war in Ukraine played a significant role in this decision of Congress.

The law is still awaiting Joe Biden’s signature. However, journalists are already calling its adoption a sign of Congress’s commitment to NATO.

What does the law mean

The new law prohibits any president from withdrawing the United States from NATO without Senate approval or an Act of Congress.

The legislation was initiated by representatives of both parties in the Senate – Democrat Tim Kaine and Republican Mark Rubio. response to Putin's war in Ukraine and growing challenges around the world. In addition, Congress's commitment to NATO “sends a strong signal to authoritarian regimes that the free world remains united,” the Democrat said.

What does Trump have to do with it

The new law was adopted against the backdrop of controversial statements by the likely presidential candidate from the Republican Party, former US President Donald Trump. Trump's critics say the ex-president's rhetoric weakens the unity and strength of the Alliance's goals. They fear that if he wins the election, Trump will abandon US obligations under the NATO mutual defense pact or completely withdraw the US from this alliance.

At the same time, the publication notes , that the Alliance has taken on new importance under the Biden presidency, especially since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

During his term, Biden invested heavily in NATO, sending more troops and military resources to Europe in a show of force in response to Putin's aggression. Also, under Biden, the Alliance has added a new member – Finland and is preparing to accept another member – Sweden.

61 billion dollars for Ukraine from the United States : what is known

  • In the fall, Biden introduced a bill in Congress to provide a joint aid package to allies in the amount of $106 billion. 61 billion was supposed to go to Ukraine.
  • New Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson advocated dividing aid to Israel and Ukraine.
  • In December, the Biden administration sent an urgent warning to Congress. She said that there were almost no funds left to help Ukraine and called for quickly accepting funding for Kiev for 2024.
  • December 6, the Senate blocked consideration of the bill due to a dispute between Democrats and Republicans regarding the “wall” on the border with Mexico.
  • December 14, Speaker of the US House of Representatives Mike Johnson did not support the proposal to extend the work of both houses of Congress by one week. Therefore, the US Parliament goes on Christmas recess without accepting aid to Ukraine.
  • Subsequently it became known that the US Senate will work, postponing its holiday recess.

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