Home » To obtain Ukrainian citizenship, you will have to pass an exam: the government is preparing laws

To obtain Ukrainian citizenship, you will have to pass an exam: the government is preparing laws

by alex

Shmihal about the citizenship exam/Office of the President

Denis Shmigal announced bills on the introduction of a comprehensive examination for the acquisition of citizenship of Ukraine. The corresponding protocol order was supported during the meeting on July 12.

According to the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Internal Affairs should prepare and submit the relevant bills for consideration by the government. In addition, the Ministry of Education and Science, together with the National Commission for State Language Standards, will join the process.

They are instructed to develop and approve the exam programs for the level of knowledge of the state language, on the history of Ukraine and on the foundations of the Constitution of Ukraine. Citizenship of Ukraine today is a privilege. And everyone who applies for it should know and understand the fundamental foundations of our country,” Shmigal said.

Zelensky instructed to develop an exam

Volodymyr Zelensky responded to a petition to introduce a mandatory exam for obtaining Ukrainian citizenship. The President instructed Shmyhal to work on this issue. The corresponding issue needs legislative regulation.

Pay attention! A draft law on the legal status of Poles in Ukraine has appeared in the Verkhovna Rada. It was introduced by President Zelensky. According to the presidential bill, the Poles will be able to stay in Ukraine in accordance with the established procedure for 18 months.

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