Home » To abandon quarantine of Sweden has noticed a decline of infections with coronavirus

To abandon quarantine of Sweden has noticed a decline of infections with coronavirus

by alex

In Sweden, where the authorities refused to introduce strict quarantine measures to combat the spread of coronavirus, there has been a decline in the number of new cases of infection, while in other European countries in the last days, by contrast, recorded growth in the number of infected. This writes Newsweek.

So, according to the report of the world health organization (who), as of 29 July, the number of new cases in Sweden per 100 thousand population in the last 14 days decreased by 54 percent. Average infections is also declining throughout the last month. Reduced the number of deaths recorded each day: if April 15, there were 115 deaths from coronavirus, for July 29 — just two.

In other European countries, the incidence of disease following a temporary downturn began to grow again. So, in Spain, France, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands over the past month, the number of new cases increased by 40-200 percent.

As stated earlier, the chief epidemiologist of Sweden Anders Tegnell (Anders Tegnell), these figures indicate that the strategy for combating coronavirus has been “largely successful.” According to him, the Swedish authorities introduced the official restrictive measures, but the country’s inhabitants on their own initiative lowered the intensity of their social contacts and adhere to some precautions. In the end, the policy of Sweden was as effective as policies in other countries that adhered to strict restrictions.

According to recent reports, the Swedish national debt slightly more than 80 thousand cases of infection with coronavirus. For the entire period of the epidemic in the country died 5739 people. Currently, the country ranks eighth in the world in number of deaths from the coronavirus on 100 thousand population.

Earlier in July it was reported that the Swedish business was to avoid widespread bankruptcies in the background of the coronavirus pandemic, despite the predictions of critics, predicting the country’s economy collapse. According to analysts, it was the result of Sweden’s refusal of quarantine.

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