Home » Threatened with physical violence: the occupier raped a 29-year-old woman in Berdyansk

Threatened with physical violence: the occupier raped a 29-year-old woman in Berdyansk

by alex

The correspondent spoke about the terrible crimes of the occupiers in Berdyansk/Collage of Channel 24

The Russian invaders continue to commit war crimes against the civilian population of Ukraine. So in the temporarily occupied Berdyansk, a Russian terrorist raped a woman.

This was reported to Channel 24 by a correspondent from Zaporozhye. According to him, information has recently been received that Russian monsters raped a 29-year-old woman in temporarily occupied Berdyansk.

Threatened with physical violence

The journalist noted that this happened on June 6, 2022, but only now the woman announced the crime of Russian non-war. He stressed that the police will investigate this crime.

According to the Headquarters of Defense of the Zaporozhye Territory, an enraged Russian monster forced a local woman born in 1993 to have sexual intercourse without her consent. At the same time, the rapist threatened to use physical violence if he refused.

In Ukraine, the first occupier will be tried for rape

Prosecutor General Irina Venediktova has filed the first rape case in court during Russia's full-scale attack on Ukraine. We are talking about criminal proceedings against the Russian military monster Mikhail Romanov.

It is noted that this non-war man committed inhuman atrocities in the Kyiv region. In particular, in March 2022, he broke into a private house in one of the villages during the occupation of Brovary.

Then the monster shot the owner of the house, and raped his wife several times while intoxicated. At the same time, the occupant threatened the woman with weapons and violence against the child.

According to information, this non-military is from the 239th Regiment of the 90th Guards Tank Vitebsk-Novgorod Division of the Russian Armed Forces. Now he is outside the territories controlled by Ukraine, but the Prosecutor General assured that he will not be able to avoid a fair trial and responsibility.

The situation in Zaporozhye: the latest

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