Home » Threatened with a knife: a Ukrainian was detained in Poland for smuggling migrants across the border

Threatened with a knife: a Ukrainian was detained in Poland for smuggling migrants across the border

by alex

In Poland, border guards in Zielona Gora detained a Ukrainian who was illegally smuggling migrants across the border. The man was under the influence of drugs and threatened Polish border guards with a knife.

They tried to stop a Fiat van with Polish license plates, which was heading towards the border with Germany. The driver ignored the demand and only increased the speed. The border guards rushed to catch up with him.

And near the village of Valovice, the man suddenly stopped, got out of the car and tried to run away. The border guards fired warning shots, but this did not stop the driver and he pulled out a knife.

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After communicating with the negotiator, the man put down the knife and was detained by the police.

The driver of the Fiat turned out to be a 26-year-old Ukrainian who was trying to transport a group of foreigners to Germany in the cargo compartment of a minibus.

During the search, a bag containing a white substance was found in the driver's door, which after testing turned out to be cocaine. The test for the presence of drugs in the courier’s body also gave a positive result.

The Ukrainian was accused of organizing illegal crossing of the Polish-German border, failure to comply with an order to stop a vehicle, attacking a border guard and driving under the influence of drugs.

The local court chose a preventive measure for him in the form of detention for a period of 3 months. He faces up to 10 years.

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