Home » This would be a deterrent force, – the Air Force said which Western air defenses would protect Ukraine

This would be a deterrent force, – the Air Force said which Western air defenses would protect Ukraine

by alex

The Air Force said which Western air defenses would protect Ukraine/Channel 24 Collage

Russian infidels continue to fire various missiles on the territory of Ukraine, destroying infrastructure and claiming the lives of civilians.

Foreign partners are aware of our needs. We are already talking about NASAMS air defense systems. Air Force speaker Yuri Ignat told Channel 24 about this.

He recalled that last week the ambassador announced Germany's promise to transfer IRIS air defense systems to Ukraine.

Yuriy Ignat noted that the top of our air defense would be the Patriot complex, if it could be obtained. However, this is a long-term perspective.

If we had such a single long-range Patriot complex, it could fend off aircraft that were approaching the Ukrainian border and launched missiles. This would be a restraining force, – explained Yuri Ignat.

According to him, he can drive away planes, because he shoots far, and also shoots down missiles. However, NASAMS complexes can do the same, because they operate up to 40 kilometers.

“This is a very effective mobile complex that can work independently, from hidden positions and fold mobilely. These are the conditions of combat operations we have today We have to take into account these conditions and exactly what we need now,” added Yuri Ignat.

Yuri Ignat explained how Russian missiles work: watch the video

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