Home » This winter will be easier, but you shouldn’t relax – Navy speaker

This winter will be easier, but you shouldn’t relax – Navy speaker

by alex

This winter should be easier for Ukraine than the last, however, there is no need to relax.

Representative of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Dmitry Pletenchuk stated this on air on one of the TV channels.

– Firstly, we have experience. We know what to expect from the enemy. Secondly, in addition to preparing the infrastructure, appropriate systems for responding to the threat were also being prepared. And, thirdly, the enemy does not have the same resources that he had at the beginning of a full-scale invasion,” he said.

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Pletenchuk noted that despite the above factors, Ukrainians should not relax and ignore air danger signals.

– The missile danger is serious. And if we talk about Caliber missiles, then the Russians have a logistics gap. They relocated the ships to Novorossiysk, but the missiles remained in Sevastopol,” the speaker added.

State of the energy system in Ukraine

Deputy Minister of Energy of Ukraine Svetlana Grinchuk said that now the Ukrainian energy system is capable of providing the country's citizens with electricity, but conditions may change.

She noted that cold weather will not be a factor that could lead to power outages, even if the infrastructure is repaired.

Recently, emergency repairs of seven power units began, and within 6-7 hours, four power units had already returned to the system.

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