Home » This will be the last battle for Ukraine, and we will win it – Davidyuk on Russia's nuclear threats

This will be the last battle for Ukraine, and we will win it – Davidyuk on Russia's nuclear threats

by alex

Putin's nuclear threats continue and the world is responding with warnings. The international community is trying to convey to the Russian dictator that he is threatened by the use of tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

Putin has finally received a real warning

So, after Putin's next ejection, American General Ben Hodges assured that any such step by the terrorist president would receive an answer – the United States would deal a crushing blow to the Black Sea Fleet, which is extremely important for Russia. This is for 24 channelssaid political analyst Nikolai Davydyuk.

He believes that Hodges' statement is, finally, a real answer, because before that all Putin's warnings were theoretical. Like, if Russia uses nuclear weapons, the United States will use them in response. There were no specifics.

Putin will have no reason to use the strategic potential, because he will not be hit with nuclear weapons. Just destroy the strongest that is left. And that is why this answer is quite effective, – Davidyuk is convinced.

Why the fleet

The political scientist said that the United States chose the Russian fleet as a target for responding to a probable strike for a reason. The fact is that the Russians, wanting to frighten Ukraine, but not look like super-barbarians in the eyes of Europe and the peaceful West, threatened to shoot at the Black Sea, and not at any settlement, in order to wipe it off the face of the earth.

< h2 class="news-subtitle cke-markup">Nuclear weapons will anger Ukraine, not stop it

Davidyuk suggested that in the context of the use of nuclear weapons, the Russians draw parallels with Japan and how it was disarmed after World War II. They believe that if they shoot like then at Japan, everyone will just raise their hands and say: “Well, that's it, give up.” But Ukrainians, firstly, are different, and secondly, in a different situation.

“The Japanese sinned very much before the world in World War II – millions of people were killed. Therefore, it is clear that fascism lost the war, and they are the last samurai who fought there, and here they are shown such strength,” the political scientist said.

We have no sin before the planet. We didn't do anything wrong. We only saved people, helped and fed them with our own bread, in particular, during the war. We have no guilt before the world, and therefore there will be no fear and reaction, like the Japanese, – he is convinced.

Consequently, according to Davidyuk, any firing of tactical nuclear weapons at Ukraine will lead to consequences – terrorist attacks will begin in Russia, Ukraine will be able to start firing at Russian territory. Moreover, it may turn out that we have long-range missiles firing at hundreds of kilometers.

The political scientist quoted the well-known Kiev resident Golda Meir, who said: “We do not have nuclear weapons, but we can use them.” He thinks that in the same way, different types of weapons, which we also do not have, can count.

And one more thing – the internal resistance will be such that it will be the last battle for Ukraine. But she wins it. Because these nuclear weapons will not stop us, but on the contrary, they will make us angry, and the way will not know what to do. Davidyuk emphasized.

Russian use of nuclear weapons will anger China

In addition to all of the above, if Putin still launches a nuclear strike, China will completely turn away from Russia, because for this country the use of nuclear weapons is very important.

“The only weapon that can defeat China is nuclear. China understands that 1.5 billion people can only be killed with nuclear weapons. And if someone very thoughtlessly, frivolously starts using it, he understands that there can be a chain reaction,” – explained the political scientist.

That is why a nuclear strike will be the last straw in a very peculiar relationship between China and Russia. The aggressor country has already dealt a severe economic blow to China – it is losing trillions of dollars due to the global recession, but Putin can simply be crushed for nuclear weapons.

Putin is bargaining

Davidyuk added that Putin is constantly playing at higher stakes and intimidating, like every St. Petersburg gopnik. Now he is intimidating Ukraine and the world with nuclear weapons and is trading – he wants to get the accession of the occupied parts of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions to Russia, as well as non-expulsion from the UN Security Council.

“He will probably try to use something. In which direction, with what, where he will shoot – no one knows, it's only in his sick crazy head. But this step will already unite the whole world against Russia, as it once united the whole Entente against Germany. That's it, then Russia will need to be cut into pieces, divided into republics and released into the world,” the political scientist suggested.

He stressed that Western leaders can do everything possible to prevent this. And since Putin has two demands, and one threat, his bargaining, according to Davidyuk, will not work completely.

What kind of nuclear potential does Putin have

BBC analysts studied the nuclear potential of Russia, which ways intimidate the whole world, who does not have exact data in the public domain, and all figures are approximate. Thus, the Federation of American Scientists stated that Russia has 5977 nuclear warheads, including 1.5 thousand that have been decommissioned.

Therefore, in general, the aggressor country has about 4.5 thousand ballistic missiles or missiles, which can be struck from a distance. However, their presence does not guarantee complete readiness for use.

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