Home » This shit can fly from Crimea, – Bratchuk warned about a missile threat to Odessa

This shit can fly from Crimea, – Bratchuk warned about a missile threat to Odessa

by alex

Bratchuk warned of a missile threat to Odessa/Collage of Channel 24

Russian invaders have been periodically attacking Odessa lately. There is a constant threat of rocket attacks not only to Odessa, but also to other regions of Ukraine.

So the likelihood of shelling in Odessa and the region is still very high. Serhiy Brachtuk, the speaker of the Odesa OVA, said this on air on Channel 24.

He noted that the infidels are again increasing the intensity precisely in delivering missile strikes in general throughout Ukraine.

From the territory of the temporarily occupied Crimea, this rocket crap can fly. It’s the same with the Black Sea,” Bratchuk warned.

What is the situation in Odessa over the past day

  • The past day, April 28, in Odessa began with a downed enemy drone. And already yesterday, the Ukrainian air defense forces defended the sky from enemy missiles.
  • In total, 3 Russian missiles were shot down. They flew from the Black Sea. The Ukrainian fighters worked flawlessly.

“We have such success. Of course, it is intermediate, because the main thing will be our common victory. But we understand that the enemy, unfortunately, will not stop there,” – noted Bratchuk.

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