What is the situation at the border of Finland
In the similar cordon of Finland and Russia, only the people of Paradise-Josepa are openly, and apparently only those there can go after the international defense (as refugees go after him, they can’t see This scheme will be widely promoted in order to penetrate the edge of the EU and be lost there). The Prime Minister of Finland appreciates that at times the entire cordon can be closed.
The border checkpoints Kuusamo, Salla and Vartius will be closed. The point of Raya-Josepi is also on a similar cordon, but in the most successful way. For now, he works every day for several years.
To spend there, you need real money, like the Finnish prime minister.
It is important to regulate the number of people the country can accept. Also, for the needs, we can praise the additional solutions in order to close the entire similar cordon.
Checkpoints at the borders of Finland and Russia / Photo HS
The Minister of Internal Affairs appreciates that the influx of migrants “can be stopped or may subside.” Point of transition: the need to monitor the situation and “either soften or strengthen the boundary.”
This time, border guards say that Raya-Josepi is not yet equipped to operate as a single checkpoint at the exit border. Ale obіtsyatyat vikonuvati rishennya order.
The area of Raya-Josepi is “a quiet border point through which only a few dozen people pass every day.”
The Chancellor of Justice does not have any legal problems with the decision to close most of the crossing points.
The new solution, which avoids similar cordons, was praised, because closing some of the points did not help. https://24tv.ua/kordon-finlyandiyi-rosiyi-finlyandiya-zakrivaye-chotiri-punkti_n2433470
Previously, it was said that the Finns would force a cordon with the military – they would help create temporary fences. https://24tv.ua/finlyandiya-napravila-viyskovih-do-kordonu-rosiyeyu-cherez-napliv_n2435221