Home » “This is unacceptable”: Canada condemned the participation of its official in the celebration of the “Day of Russia”

“This is unacceptable”: Canada condemned the participation of its official in the celebration of the “Day of Russia”

by alex

Melanie Jolie condemned the participation of a Canadian official in the celebration of the “Day of Russia”/Channel 24 Collage

A Canadian official took part in the celebration of the “Day of Russia”. It is known that on June 12, the employee was at the embassy of the aggressor state.

The government of Canada has already reacted to such actions of their employee Yasemin Heinbecker. Foreign Ministry Melanie Jolie called them “unacceptable.”Completely unacceptable. No Canadian representative should attend an event hosted by the Russian Embassy and no Canadian representative will attend such an event in the future. – the minister stressed.

The Foreign Minister added that Canada supports Ukraine in the fight against Russian aggression.

Reference. Yasemin Heinbecker works at the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She is the deputy head of the department's protocol.

By the way, in addition to the Canadian official, representatives of Egypt, Pakistan and some African countries visited the Russian embassy to celebrate the cynical day.

What is known about the celebration of the “Day of Russia”

Russian infidels planned to create a picture for their propaganda about the celebration of the “Day of Russia” in temporarily occupied Kherson. However, they did not succeed. The concert in the city was simply deplorable, since there were more artists than spectators. Of the several hundred thousand people, only 30-40 Kherson residents came to the so-called “celebrations”.

By the way, in the Operational Command “South” even reported on the threat of provocations. The Russians wanted to shoot at the crowds at these concerts and blame the Ukrainian Armed Forces for the shootings. Apparently, the enemy troops abandoned this plan, because there were no gatherings of people before the day of Russia.

Latest news about assistance from Canada

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