Home » This is how civil wars begin: a split occurred in the Kremlin

This is how civil wars begin: a split occurred in the Kremlin

by alex

Publication author

Arsen Tsymbalyuk

This time we'll take a look at the biggest and most failed propaganda stunt in Russian history – Putin's Sabbath to mark the anniversary of the start of a full-scale war. Read more in the exclusive blog for Channel 24 website.

2 hours of celebration in honor of the war

Last week was the 365th day of the “three-day” operation. To fight year-round with a country that is 28 times smaller than you is a historical failure. It is especially shameful that the so-called “great state” loses during this war.

How stupid do you have to be to organize a national holiday in the center of Moscow on this score. Propagandists for 2 hours reminded the Russians with the persistence of insects that they had been fighting for a whole year and were dying en masse for no reason at all. And that this will happen until the moment when the last armed Russian lies on Ukrainian soil under the tracks of a 60-ton Abrams tank.

The concert was opened by Putin's lackey Mashkov, 40 years old, with cardboard boxes in his hands. Well, instead of sanctioned tablets, which are from the evil one. He immediately announced to the assembled slaves and slaves that war is an absolutely normal state for their homeland.

War for Russians is a common thing: video

Russian maniacs brought onto the stage the mother of the so-called “deputy” from the “DPR” terrorist group, who died on December 6 as a result of shelling by Russian troops. An analysis of satellite images confirmed that on that day, Russian troops, according to their old tradition, hit the occupied Donetsk city from Gradov to blame the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The shells came from the east of the Donetsk region, which the Russians occupied more than 8 years ago. Moscow propagandists are not at all embarrassed by this revelation – and they decide to dance on the bones of the separatist drugged and killed by them.

Propagandists came up with a snotty story about the deceased: video

However, this story did not receive a stormy reaction. The crowd sounds were obviously downloaded from the Internet. They were simply turned on at the most appropriate moments. After all, the footage shows that the sounds diverge from the image of a clearly indifferent crowd.

The maximum that was enough for the patriots of Russia was to wave the first 15 minutes of the holiday with the handed out tricolors. Why didn't anyone jump for joy on the anniversary of the “holy war”?

Well, firstly, 500 rubles is not one and a half thousand, like last year. And secondly, the current Russian propaganda is, of course, not only a crime against humanity, but also an absolute trash tent, increasingly causing a feeling of Spanish shame.

Propagandists used kidnapped children

Next, the Russians sang of the “modern” Russian tank, released the miserable occupant rapper, and then they showed a real crime, which in the future will form the basis of criminal cases against the Russians.

The propagandists brought to the stage the children abducted from the long-suffering Mariupol. Children whose relatives and friends they killed, whose houses they destroyed. For a whole year they taught our children that Russia “saved” them from the war, and that no Ukraine “exists”. The children were forced in front of thousands of herds to hug the one who had kidnapped them and forcibly taken them to Russia.

Russians use kidnapped children in propaganda: video

Well, for the murder of tens of thousands of civilians in Mariupol, the current generation of Russians will answer until the end of their days. The perpetrators of these atrocities will receive the punishment they deserve. The punishment of the Russian occupiers for the kidnapping of Ukrainian children and their separation from their parents will probably be even tougher. Well, I don't even want to imagine what awaits those who used abducted children to propagate war.

I recommend to anyone who wants to have some kind of future to stay away from everything connected with Russia. This project once again proved that it is the highest concentration of world, ancient, cave evil. It is with this evil that Russia will always be associated.

I am glad how quickly this project destroys itself. The so-called “flower of Russian culture”, the best people, distinguished themselves again. Dmitry Kharatyan, Dmitry Dyuzhev, Nikolai Rastorguev, Victoria Daineko, Oleg Gazmanov and many others danced at this ball along with the killers. All films, songs and performances with their participation in the future are doomed to oblivion – this is how the human brain works.

Those who did not want to support the war and mass terrorist attacks are now huddled in different corners of the planet and are doing everything not to be associated with the phrase “Russian artist”.

The headliner of the holiday is an elderly Putin

The “decoration” of the program, in the worst traditions of the circus of freaks, was the colorfully dressed dwarf Putin, who, as expected, was released onto the stage at the end of the event. True, his servants were so dumb that they were not even able to imagine the stooped headliner.

At the Sabbath in Luzhniki, Putin could not be properly imagined:

How is that possible? It's not even a 9th grade prom level. This is possible only on the third day of a rural wedding.

In case, during her performance, the old moth suddenly gets hungry, she was put on a special fur collar, which can be quietly eaten at any second.

Putin spoke about the battle on the “historical frontiers” of Russia: video

The village of Klishchievka in the Bakhmut district is a historically important milestone and a pillar of the whole of Russia. Kleshchievka is the cradle of the “Russian world”. That is why hundreds of Russian soldiers and officers die there every day.

Putin's disgraceful speech contained everything, but the most important thing was missing. Putin did not say a word about the fact that Russia has already lost most of its tanks and is rapidly losing its main means of destruction – artillery. There is also not a word about the colossal losses among the personnel.

And the key thing is that a year later, the “great strategist and geopolitician” still did not formulate an answer to the question why this is all. He never figured out what the goals of the so-called “military operation” are, why Russia started and is still waging the largest war in Europe since the Second World War? Why do they kill and why do they die? Putin finally signed that he is zero without a wand.

Russia is one step away from civil war

But the most interesting thing that day happened not even in Luzhniki. The most interesting thing happened in the Kremlin. On this day, the split of Putin's elites began, which is a harbinger of the end of his reign.

4 hours before Putin's speech – just so that the media could pick it up – the leader of the PMC “Wagner” and a close lackey of Putin, Yevgeny Prigozhin, published a photo with a mountain of destroyed Russian soldiers in the Bakhmut area. Having smeared the reputation of both the Russian army and Putin personally, he accused the Ministry of Defense of sabotaging the war – his Wagnerites are not given shells.

Such mountains of both Wagnerites and professional Russian military appear from their side of the front dozens a day. This is confirmed by numerous photos and videos taken by Ukrainian drones and published on the Internet. But for the first time, one of the Russian groups openly admitted this and accused another Russian group of killing its fighters. This is how civil wars start.

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