Home ยป “This is a planetary threat”: will the West go to war if Russia launches a nuclear strike

“This is a planetary threat”: will the West go to war if Russia launches a nuclear strike

by alex

Russia is blackmailing the world with threats to use nuclear weapons in the war against Ukraine. It is difficult to predict what the West will do if Putin dares to do so. However, certain discussions regarding the reaction are definitely underway.

About this Channel 24said the Russian human rights activist Mark Feigin. In his opinion, the West may not now have a unified plan for a nuclear strike on Ukraine. However, they are currently working on it. This is a threat on a planetary scale.

However, perhaps now the West is not reacting so harshly to Putin's nuclear threats. He doesn't want to provoke the crazy Russian dictator.

I think the work is going on. They do not voice it, because they are afraid of provoking this fool. Or maybe he will suddenly take it out of paranoid sensations and decide to strike, because something will seem to him. That is why they say a little about this topic,โ€ Feygin believes.

How the West could react to this threat

According to Feygin, it is extremely it is difficult to predict exactly what actions the West should take to prevent a nuclear strike from Russia. But still, he believes that in this case it is necessary to react very sharply and harshly.

If it becomes clear that Russia will deliver a demonstrative nuclear strike somewhere in the sea near Ukraine or is already ready to do it, then it would be great if the West directly burst into the war.

In my opinion, it would be good to give a signal to Putin – if there is at least some attempt, then we will immediately send troops to Ukraine. Airplanes, air defense systems fly here – and not a single flying object will fly over the territory of Ukraine. We will shoot down everything, we will bring missiles. Up to missiles with nuclear warheads,โ€ Feigin noted.

The West is forced to react harshly, because the use of nuclear weapons can put an end to the entire planet. And such decisive actions can stop Putin's fervor.

Russia should be expelled from the permanent membership of the UN Security Council

According to Feygin, now there are chances to suspend membership Russia in the UN Security Council. After all, authoritative European politicians such as Charles Michel and Ursula von Der Leyen began to talk about this. This prospect has better chances than recognizing Russia as a sponsor of terrorism.

I think that this idea still has better prospects than recognizing Russia as a sponsor terrorism. The exile understandably demonstrates more that Russia is an aggressor country. Only here it is necessary to make a strong-willed decision,โ€ Feigin emphasized.

We add that Alexei Arestovich, an adviser to the Office of the President, stressed that if Putin does decide to use nuclear weapons, the consequences for him will be catastrophic. In his opinion, then a nuclear strike against Russia by Western states is quite possible.

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