Home » This is a lie, Yusov denied Putin’s statement regarding Russian volunteers

This is a lie, Yusov denied Putin’s statement regarding Russian volunteers

by alex

Yusov refuted Putin’s statement regarding Russian volunteers/Collage Channel 24

Russian President Vladimir Putin said another 270,000 people had signed contracts to serve as “volunteers.” According to him, every day 1000 – 1500 people come to sign a contract.

However, the representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Moscow Region, Andrei Yusov, shared withChannel 24that he thinks completely differently. The colossal losses of Russians at the front have a detrimental effect on the Kremlin dictator. After all, one can only fantasize about such large-scale figures.

Russian “volunteers” are a myth

“This is an absolute lie, there are no “volunteers” there, except for isolated cases. The first and last wave of “volunteers” was after a full-scale invasion and it quickly ended,” the GUR representative emphasized.

In the future, “volunteers” we can consider some debtors and migrant workers who have just received Russian passports. Also, people with social elements, under threat of fines or imprisonment, join the occupying army.

Andrey Yusov about Russian “volunteers”: watch the video

Yusov noted that in Russia, “volunteers” also refers to some of the prisoners who were recruited into so-called private military campaigns, promising “freedom.”

Hidden mobilization in Russia: what is known

  • The terrorist country intends to intensify mobilization. According to Andrei Yusov, a new wave of mobilization in Russia is a completely realistic scenario. However, it was not easy for the Russians to mobilize even 300 thousand people, so 700 thousand is a propaganda figure.
  • At the same time, analysts at the American Institute for the Study of War believe that Russian officials are expecting a new large wave of mobilization of reservists, which should take place in the fall . ISW suggested that the Russian authorities plan to mobilize from 170,000 to 175,000 reservists.
  • Earlier, Yusov said that the Kremlin attracts about 20 thousand mobilized people to the war every month. Only a few months later, about 10 thousand citizens of the aggressor state were additionally mobilized in Moscow.

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