Home » This has never happened before: How the Russian command quarrels because of failures near Bakhmut

This has never happened before: How the Russian command quarrels because of failures near Bakhmut

by alex

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Russian occupiers have been trying to advance in the Bakhmut area for several months, but in vain. Obviously, this is very demoralizing for the Russians, who are used as cannon fodder.

Therefore, the other day the mercenaries of the Russian PMC “Wagner”, participating in the assault on the Ukrainian Bakhmut, made an insulting appeal to the head of the Russian General Staff Valeria Gerasimova.

The invaders accused him of insufficient supply of ammunition to the front line. Interestingly, the founder of the PMC and “Putin's chef” Yevgeny Prigozhin supported his fighters. And this is far from the first public conflict between various Russian security forces involved in the invasion of Ukraine.

As BBC journalists write, correspondence quarrels between mercenary leaders and the Russian military command have ceased to be something extraordinary in recent months, however, until now, the “Wagnerites” did not allow themselves such sharp attacks against General Gerasimov.

After the publication of the appeal, the authors of many military-patriotic channels began to write that it was a provocation by “Ukrainian nationalists,” the analytical article notes.

However, in the late afternoon of December 26Prigozhin denied this version. He published the following voice message in the channels associated with him:

“Specially to answer your question, I went to the guys in dugouts. Have you seen any of the Ukrainian nationalists now? And “I haven't seen it. Our main task and them too is to go and take Bakhmut. And as for the problems that, unfortunately, arise at every step, I hope that we will solve them.”

Is there a split inside Russia

The mercenaries themselves are convinced that all this is a conflict between the Ministry of Defense and Prigozhin. It should be explained that from the first day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a variety of Russian security forces took part in it:

  • army units and divisions of the National Guard,
  • detachments from the Chechen Republic and FSB officers ,
  • PMCs and mobilized corps of the self-proclaimed “republics”.

Between all these structures there is a certain internal competition, and inside there are enough people who do not understand the meaning of war. This is also confirmed by the records of conversations between Ramzan Kadyrov and Daniil Martynov, deputy Chechen National Guard, who received journalists. participate in exercises on the territory of Belarus, but promised Kadyrov to prepare “dances in the Maidan or Khreschatyk area.”

Whether there will be any personnel changes after the new scandal, it is too early to predict. But we can say with confidence that no one has ever publicly called the head of the Russian General Staff that way before.

Reference. John Kirby, coordinator of the US National Security Council for strategic communications, said that now about 50 thousand are fighting against Ukrainians Wagnerians. According to the American side, only 10,000 of them are “contract workers”, and the remaining 40,000 are Russian prisoners.

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