Home » This half of the year will be decisive: Tusk on the war in Ukraine and Poland’s own defense

This half of the year will be decisive: Tusk on the war in Ukraine and Poland’s own defense

by alex

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said that the next six months could be decisive on the battlefield in Ukraine, but for this, Kiev’s Western partners must fully supply military assistance, primarily ammunition.

He pointed out that Warsaw was and remains very active in this part.

At the same time, the head of the Polish government is convinced that it is necessary to closely engage in defense preparations within our own country.

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— We don’t know how much of this threat is real, but it is definitely real. We are talking about 10% or 80%, but it is there, and no country can afford to ignore this threat, especially when all the allies are only talking about it, — emphasized Tusk.

Thus, he indicated that Warsaw is faced with the task of preparing the country for any of the possible scenarios, taking into account Russian aggression.

— This also applies to bomb shelters and uniforms, as well as support for terrorist defense troops, civil protection, critical infrastructure, — concluded the politician.

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