Home » They're coming from all directions. The occupiers began the third wave of assaults on Avdeevka – Barabash

They're coming from all directions. The occupiers began the third wave of assaults on Avdeevka – Barabash

by alex

Near Avdiivka, the occupiers have been shelling the positions of the Ukrainian Defense Forces with cluster munitions for the last few days.

The head of the Avdeevka city military administration, Vitaly Barabash, announced this on the air of the national telethon Unified News.

He noted that the third wave of assaults on this strategically important direction for the Kremlin has now begun.

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“They’re coming from all directions, from the flanks.” They climbed into the industrial zone (industrial zone – Ed. ) and are trying to carry out certain assault operations from the direction of Donetsk through Spartak. They are coming from all sides, using a lot of infantry. The equipment went to the industrial area,” Barabash said.

The situation in the Avdeevsky direction

The enemy is also attracting aviation, the city has been shelling the city with CABs, and the Ukrainian positions for the last few days with cluster bombs.

“There are generally hundreds of shellings per day on positions there, dozens of air bomb strikes, and in the city there are from 30 to 40 massive shellings. They don’t work in cassettes around the city, they are used in Ukrainian positions around the city, but in Avdiivka they work as cabs, most of them 500 cabs. On average, from eight to 20 air bomb strikes per day occur in the city, added the head of the Avdeevka MBA.

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