Home » They wanted to evacuate through a mined bridge, – a resident of Gostomel about the atrocities of Russian invaders

They wanted to evacuate through a mined bridge, – a resident of Gostomel about the atrocities of Russian invaders

by alex

The residents of Gostomel managed to evacuate not the first time/Photo from Facebook by Alexei Reznikov

In Gostomel, Kyiv region, Russian troops offered civilians to evacuate through a mined bridge, but their own equipment was blown up there.

Journalists from the Channel 24 website talked to Ali Safarov, a resident of Gostomel, who spent more than two weeks in the occupied Gostomel with his family.

Evacuation from hell

The man admitted that he constantly hesitated whether to leave or not. His mother-in-law is bedridden, and this complicates the situation. However, staying and playing this Russian roulette, when there is a constant battle around and the orcs destroy civilian quarters and houses, is also not a very good option. But the medicines for the mother-in-law, diapers were running out, and something had to be done.

We finally tried to leave on March 9th. The orcs allegedly gave us a corridor and an escort, but this escort was supposed to lead us through a mined bridge, which they themselves mined. They avoided mines, but in the end their self-propelled gun (self-propelled artillery installation – Channel 24) was blown up by their own mine. We realized that we could also be blown up,” Safarov said.

According to him, several thousand cars were gathering at the assembly point for evacuation, people were walking, waiting for buses that had not arrived, there were many patients, even in makeshift wheelchairs , many with small children.

Everyone gathered at the collection point and stood like that from 11 am to 4 pm, then I already said that we need to return. According to rumors, many who wanted to return were simply not allowed back, they spent the night in shelters.

New corridors

On March 10, they also announced that there would be a green corridor and (announced – Channel 24) a collection point. But they started firing mortars at her, and I said we weren't going anywhere.

Moreover, the attempt to evacuate our bedridden patient almost ended fatally – we did not have a stretcher, we just carried her on a blanket. If in one direction we still pulled her six of us with neighbors, then back we pulled her out together with my wife's brother, and with this pulling out we almost killed her. Safarov said.

They wanted to evacuate through a mined bridge, – a resident of Gostomel about the atrocities of the Russian occupiers

Shooted cars stood on the highway/Photo from Facebook Stas Kozlyuk

However, on the morning of March 11, the corridor was announced again.

We assembled a small column, for the recumbent we knocked together a stretcher from the boards, on which we were able to carry it to the car. First, we went to the center of Gostomel to the gathering place – cars joined us on the way and it was clear that the convoy was really going, and in the center there were many people who were waiting for buses escorted by the State Emergency Service. – said the man.

He said that he took his elderly neighbors. Everyone who was driving filled the cars as much as possible, the adults were sitting on each other's arms, they even carried people in the trunks. There were a lot of people who wanted to, but, unfortunately, not everyone managed to get there – the buses did not wait long, they took people away and left. take something from people – cigarettes, food.

While we were driving along Bucha and saw burned-out cars, this could still be attributed to battles, but then, when we drove onto the highway, almost every 100 meters there were a lot of shot cars – old Zhiguli, minibuses, fashionable jeeps, cars with inscriptions “Children” and white armbands painted with red crosses. All of them were shot. It was clear that they were shot with people, because there was a lot of blood, – said Ali Safarov.

According to him, near Belogorodka, where the Ukrainian military were, there was a long queue for entry – many refugees from different columns.

After checking the car, the lying mother-in-law was given an anesthetic injection, after which the family went further to Kyiv. In Kyiv it was already light, warm, hot water, and despite the fact that there were shelling and explosions around, it was still perceived quite differently, – the man summed up.

Journalism site On the 24th channel, Ali Safarov, a resident of Gostomel, spoke, who had spent two days with the paid Gostomel at once from his homeland.

The evacuation from hell

The man knew that he was constantly talking: to see what happened. Yogo mother-in-law – prikuty to lіzhka, і tse aggravated the situation. However, to lose the money at the Russian roulette, if the orcs go all the way around and roam the civilian quarters and the boudinka, it’s not even a distant option. Ale ran out of medicines for the mother-in-law, diapers, and the need was bulo robiti. The orcs nibito saw us a corridor that suprovid, ale cey suprovid mav lead us through the substitutions of the city, which stench they themselves replaced. The stinks about the mini, but the deadly self-propelled gun (self-propelled artillery mount – channel 24) pissed on the power min. We figured out that we could get away, – naming Safarov.

Behind these words, at the point of collection for evacuation, a handful of thousands of cars were collected, people left for bags, checked buses, they didn’t come, they were very ill, navit on self-made vіzochkah, rich with small children.

Everyone picked up the pickup point and stood like this from the 11th year of the wound until the 16th year, even as I already said, you need to turn around. For a bit, rich people, who wanted to turn around, they simply didn’t let them back, they spent the night in shelters.

New corridors

10 birch was also voiced that there would be green corridor that (voiced – channel 24 ) collection point. Ale, they started shooting at it with mortars, and I said, we won’t go anywhere.

It’s better that the ice didn’t end fatally in an attempt to recover our bedridden illness – we didn’t have any burdens, we just carried it on carpets. If in one direction we її were still pulled in with our vessels, then back we її were pulled together by the brother of the squad, and we were hardly beaten in such a її wight, – rozpovіv Safarov.

 They wanted to evacuate through a mined bridge, – a resident of Gostomel about the atrocities of the Russian invaders

There were shooting cars on the road/Photo from Facebook Stas Kozlyuk

However, on the 11th birch, the corridor was announced again.

We took a small column, for the recumbent we knocked together burdens from boards, on which they could carry them to the car. We slowly drove to the center of Gostomel at the pickup point – at a cost, cars came up to us and realized that the convoy was picking up, and in the center there were a lot of people who ordered buses from the SSNS escort, – signifying a person.

Vіn rozpovіv, scho taking your summer suсіdіv. All those who left, filling the cars as much as possible, grew up, sat one in one on their hands, brought people to the trunks. There were a lot of eager people and, unfortunately, not everyone reached the distance – the buses didn’t check for a long time, the stench took people away and went.

At the checkpoint, the Russians looked sternly at the man's car, but the line workers knocked on the car to take cigarettes and food from people.

While we were driving along Buchi, and the cars burned down, it was possible to write off the fight, but then, if we were on the highway, my skin 100 meters was too rich shot cars – old “Zhiguli”, minibuses, fashionable jeeps, cars with inscriptions “Children” and white bandages, painted red crosses. All stinks were shot. It was clear that they were shot at people, because there was a lot of blood, – Ali Safarov rose. From different columns.

After the re-checking of the car, the recumbent mother-in-law was given an injection of an anesthetic, after which the motherland destroyed the distance near Kiev. do not go to the orcs. In Kiev, it was already light, warm, hot water, and even though they had fired on the vibuhi, everything was accepted anyway, – summing up the man.

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