Home » They want to remove Vatutin's grave from the Mariinsky Park

They want to remove Vatutin's grave from the Mariinsky Park

by alex

The Ministry of Culture considers it expedient to move the burial place of the Soviet military leader, General Nikolai Vatutin, from the Mariinsky Park in the center of Kiev. The decision to move the grave depends on the authorities of Kiev.

To make a decision on the transfer of Vatutin's grave, the Ministry of Culture must receive from the Kiev authorities a relevant request and a list of documents approved by law.

The Ministry of Culture promises to start the process as soon as possible

As of February 10 this year, no requests were received from the city authorities for the reburial of Vatutin in the Ministry of Culture.

The ministry assures that they will launch the process “as soon as possible” immediately after they receive the documents required by law.

The ministry reminded that Vatutin's grave is a historical monument of national importance and is listed in the State Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine.< /p>

The monument to Vatutin was demolished in Kiev: who is he

  • On February 8-9, a monument to the Soviet pilot Chkalov, as well as General Nikolai Vatutin, was dismantled in Kyiv. On February 10, a part of the pedestal on which the sculpture of Vatutin stood was dismantled in the Mariinsky Park.
  • In 1920-1921, Vatutin, being a cadet of the Poltava Infantry School, participated in battles against Ukrainian rebels in the Poltava region, in particular, in war against the UPR army.
  • Participation in the fight against the Ukrainians opened the way for him to a military career. Under his leadership, 400,000 Soviet soldiers died. In particular, the general commanded the operation to liberate Kiev from the Nazis, which resulted in heavy losses.
  • Vatutin mobilized Ukrainians into the ranks of the Red Army and threw them into battle without training and appropriate weapons.
  • In 1944, in one of the battles against the UPA, he was shot in the left thigh. After that, 42-year-old Vatutin died in a Kiev hospital from sepsis caused by a bullet wound.
  • The Ukrainian Institute of National Memory included Vatutin in the list of individuals involved in the fight against the independence of Ukraine, the organization of famines and political repressions, whose names are named streets in Ukraine.

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