Home » They want to make a new Mariupol, – Arestovich explained in detail the movements of Russian troops in Donbas

They want to make a new Mariupol, – Arestovich explained in detail the movements of Russian troops in Donbas

by alex

Arestovich explained the movement of the Russian military in the Donbass/Collage of Channel 24

The Russian military wants to create a “new Mariupol” on the territory of the Donetsk region. There is a real threat of encirclement of Severodonetsk by invaders.

Advisor to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Oleksiy Arestovich explained the maneuvers of the Russians in the Donetsk region, in particular, the main goals of the enemy.

The goal is to interrupt supplies between Bakhmut and Lisichansk

They are trying to break through from Vrubovka and cut off the road in the area of ​​Berestovoye, this is one of the main goals to interrupt the supply of Bakhmut and Lisichansk. If you look at Seversk, then it is like a cauldron along the railway, which they are trying to lock up – from Seversk to Berestovoye, – said Aleksey Arestovich.

The invaders are trying to take the military into the cauldron: in which settlements

The boiler comes out: Yampol, Seversk, Popasnaya, Vrubovka. According to Arestovich, Russian infidels thus want to encircle Lisichansk and Severodonetsk.

The goal is to “repeat Mariupol”

The adviser added that Lisichansk and Severodonetsk remain surrounded. And this is also one of the main tasks that the Russians are trying to accomplish – to make a new Mariupol.

The situation there is very difficult for our troops. The incessant attacks of artillery and aircraft of the enemy. The enemy has an advantage in artillery and aviation. In this direction, we are barely holding on. At the same time, the situation in Lisichansk and Severodonetsk itself is manageable, – Alexey Arestovich added.

According to preliminary data, the Russian occupation troops are trying to break through in the Soledar area: also Popasnaya, Natalevka, Pshenichnoye, Vladimirovka – in this direction.

Where the Russians, unfortunately, succeed

Arestovich explained that the infidels would try to use the railway if they managed to capture the settlements. In particular, they will “fill in” this route, again, in order to interfere with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, because the supply of the railway is much more efficient than that of road transport.

Further, the adviser continued to explain how the enemy troops are located and where our forces are concentrated. In particular, about the situation to the north – near the Mironovsky settlement.

Svetlodarsk – our troops are stationed here. We retreated to more advantageous positions. It was planned not under blows, but in order to take advantageous positions. However, the fact that we left the sector of the front – it needs to be occupied to the North, closer to Bakhmut, which is actually a front-line city, – Arestovich said.

The Russians transferred additional battalions to Lisichansk

According to Arestovich, the Russians are “pressing” our positions closer to Slavyansk. Due to the fact that these did not work out in the Izyum direction, they threw all their forces into Limansky and, in general, they are successful here.

At the same time, we have big problems in the area of ​​Lisichansk and Severodonetsk.

How did this happen? 5-6 battalions of tactical groups were transferred there, but they are “fresh”, unlike our military, who are already in a difficult moral and physical condition due to continuous fighting for 3 months, – Arestovich noted.

However, our military is still holding the lines. The adviser also acknowledged that the Russian leadership had set the task of investing everything they had and reaching the borders of the Lugansk Donetsk region, so they pulled all possible forces here.

Difficult situation in Donbas: latest news

  • In his evening address, President Volodymyr Zelensky acknowledged the difficult situation in Donbas and stressed that it takes a lot of time and heroism to reverse the advantage of the Russian occupiers in equipment and weapons.
  • It is known that the Russian invaders in Donbas 20 times more equipment than the Ukrainian military.
  • On May 24, Serhiy Gaidai announced the aggravation of the situation in Luhansk and Donbass: the invaders are advancing in all directions. The Lugansk region is being mercilessly shelled, and the Russian army decided to simply destroy Severodonetsk completely. And in the Donetsk region, the Lisichansk-Bakhmut highway is completely shot through, it is very dangerous to drive along it.
  • The British Ministry of Defense also reported that the enemy is increasing its offensive in eastern Ukraine. However, they stressed that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have well dug in defense positions in the Donbas, retain effective command and control over this front.

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