Home » They threaten with “personnel decisions”: the invaders delivered an ultimatum to the Lugansk Gauleiters

They threaten with “personnel decisions”: the invaders delivered an ultimatum to the Lugansk Gauleiters

by alex

Russian invaders delivered an ultimatum to the Gauleiters in the temporarily occupied territory of Luhansk region. For non-compliance, they are threatened with personnel decisions.

The occupiers want to reach the administrative borders of the region before April 1. They threaten, if they do not capture the entire region, then there will be personnel decisions.

Why the invaders are rampant

Analysts note that the cause of discontent is the failed mobilization and logistics support for the army of infidels in this direction. The Kremlin is looking for someone to blame its failures on. That is why he blames the collaborators.

By the way, in order to satisfy Moscow and keep their positions, the collaborators started a new wave of mobilization in the region.

This is a typical story of traitors who always turn out to be extreme, and then repeat the fate of Kirill Stremusov.

occupants are preparing a new mobilization in Crimea

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced that the Russians are preparing a new wave of mobilization in the temporarily occupied Crimea. So, until January 29, 2023, all so-called public and private institutions had to submit lists of people for reservation to the military commissariats.

By the way, the Kremlin throws the mobilized to the front line without actually proper support and training. This is what leads to massive losses.

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