Home » They offer money and designate apartments where they didn’t take: how the occupiers are preparing a “referendum”

They offer money and designate apartments where they didn’t take: how the occupiers are preparing a “referendum”

by alex

The occupiers are doing their best to hold a “referendum” in the temporarily occupied territories. To do this, they already offer money and make special lists.

As journalist Andrei Tsaplienko said, the preparations for a pseudo-referendum were seriously taken up in the temporarily occupied territories. And this despite the fact that the Gauleiters fled en masse to a safe distance, knowing the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

the invaders plan to buy voters

The enemy understands perfectly well that few people will voluntarily leave for this “expression of will”. Therefore, I decided to use the old, but proven over the years method – bribery. After all, financial incentives will allow to collect a greater number of those who generally appear at the polling station and vote.

The journalist stated photographs of documents from Melitopol. Local “volunteers” receive them. The latter are engaged in conducting a survey of citizens. Only one thing is of interest: whether or not they will take part in the pseudo-referendum.

They offer money and designate apartments where they haven't been taken: how the occupiers are preparing a "referendum"

They offer money and designate apartments where they didn’t take: how the invaders cook

They offer money and mark apartments where they didn’t take: how the occupiers cook

They offer money and designate apartments where they haven't been taken: how the occupiers are preparing a

They offer money and mark apartments where they didn’t take: how the occupiers cook

They offer money and designate apartments where they didn't take them: how the occupiers are preparing a "referendum"

Each “volunteer” received instructions. It contains an algorithm of actions, as well as a list of questions. In addition, it must have a route letter with it. Information about the visit is entered into it.

Tsaplienko paid special attention to the third point in the instructions. It talks about dealing with objections. Like, if a person refuses to participate in the survey, then he should be offered to fill out a “coupon-appeal”. The latter provides “one-time and monthly financial assistance”.

The emphasis is on this “material assistance”. And not a single “volunteer” will move around if he does not take the appropriate campaign materials. Note that the apostates of the invaders also have certain plans. So if it is not possible to campaign potential voters, they will not see their fee either.

People are divided into categories

It is clear that the bypass must be strictly documented. So there are a number of columns in the route sheet that will need to be filled in. Including the one where the “result of the poll” is entered.

In the case of if the resident refused to vote in the pseudo-referendum, then “0” is put in this column. This means that the “volunteer” will have to repeatedly visit this apartment. Do this until you get an affirmative answer.

Those whose reaction was toughermarked with an “X”. To such potential voters, they emphasize in the instruction, “you do not go any more.” Tsaplienko does not exclude that the corresponding record is made for a reason. The Russian special services will already come to the radicals who are sent after the Russian ship.

Collaborators do not believe in the success of pseudo-referendums

Note that the desire to hold “referendums” comes from the Kremlin. The local collaborators themselves do not really believe that it will be possible to somehow organize the corresponding “expression of will”. And there are a number of reasons for this.

First of all, they are frightened by the lack of Russian victories in the war against Ukraine. Such a scenario makes one doubt that the aggressor country will be able to defend the territories seized by force .

In addition, the collaborators worry about the UAF counteroffensive and active civil and partisan resistance on the ground. The latter makes the enemy constantly feel in danger. And the main “leaders” are hiding outside the occupied territories.

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