Photo of the hand of a Russian the military man whose fingers were allegedly cut off in Ukrainian captivity is a fake/Collage 24 Channel (Photo by Shutterstock, from open sources) The Russians continue to actively “sow” fakes. Thus, propagandists published from social networks the story of a Russian occupier whose fingers were allegedly cut off in Ukraine. However, of course, none of the enemy propagandists I was going to check the facts. Therefore, they immediately spread the fake by publishing a photo of the hand of a Russian military man whose fingers were allegedly amputated in Ukrainian captivity, informs Channel 24. Photograph of the hand of Russian soldier Alexei Motuz, whose fingers were allegedly cut off in Ukrainian captivity, is actually Transcarpathian doctors did when they operated on a 16-year-old boy who was injured while working on a circular saw. Photos of a hand with cut off fingers of allegedly Russian military man Alexei Motuz in Ukrainian captivity were published in January 2022 by the Transcarpathian Regional Hospital. This is the hand of a 16-year-old Ukrainian boy who cut off five of his fingers while working with a circular saw, the message says. The story concerned Russian woman Tatyana Motuz and her 44-year-old son Alexei, who voluntarily participated in the invasion of Ukraine. Previously, Tatyana told Rosmedia that on the night of January 8-9, 2024, unknown people wrote to his partner from a Ukrainian number. The woman was required to send intimate photographs. And then a photo, allegedly, of Motuz’s hand without fingers, a shot leg, as well as the body after the alleged murder, was sent by unknown people to his mother and common-law wife. This case received wide publicity in the Russian media, while none of them even talked to Motuz’s relatives. According to journalists, at least one photo from the publication is definitely false. Since it was made back in January 2022 and published in the Ukrainian publication with the headline “Transcarpathian doctors sewed on a guy’s cut off fingers.” In Russia, they suddenly began to talk about the difficult situation on the fronts in Ukraine. Thus, in the aggressor country, the propaganda narratives have changed somewhat. If earlier, for example, Vladimir Solovyov said that war is inherent to Russians, now he has less optimistic views. They say that “only the Anglo-Saxons” want to fight. In addition, Russian propagandists are now broadcasting messages that Ukraine will have enough shells, European production will adapt to the needs of the war, and the United States will eventually they will still help Kyiv.New fake from the Russians
The latest theses of Russian propaganda
They made a mistake with the photo: a new fake about the cut off fingers of a Russian prisoner was spread in Russia