Home » They have an unstable mental state: Russian oppositionist told how propagandists work

They have an unstable mental state: Russian oppositionist told how propagandists work

by alex

Russian propagandists have constant tantrums. They understand that Russia will lose, and they will be finished. Soon the money and other benefits will run out, so their mental state is unstable.

This opinion was expressed on Channel 24 by Russian opposition politician Gennady Gudkov. According to him, if propagandists do not have brain diseases that do not allow them to think, then they understand how close their end is.

Propagandists constantly hysteria

Gudkov noted that for such propagandists as Olga Skabeeva, Vladimir Solovyov and others, money and other benefits are the main thing. However, they understand that the end is near, so they constantly hysteria.

They have a bad heart. There are not cats scratching, but much more animals. They understand that the end is near, and they have no chance to jump out of this rink that will go over them. I think it makes them hysterical. There is a hysterical breakdown in their behavior, he believes.

The oppositionist stressed that the mental state of the propagandists is now unstable. Gennady Gudkov suggested that now they are forcing themselves to be aggressive on camera, but they really understand everything.

“They turn themselves on, they try to seem sincere, but in fact they should feel bad. If they are not completely idiots, if they do not have a clinical brain disease that interferes with thinking, then they should understand better than anyone how close the end is,” the oppositionist added.

Gudkov about Russian propagandists: watch the video

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