Home » They handed over the territory, – said Davidyuk, what should be the punishment for the Royal and her husband

They handed over the territory, – said Davidyuk, what should be the punishment for the Royal and her husband

by alex

On the eve of the scandalous Natalya Korolevskaya and her husband Yuri Solod wrote a statement on the drafting of deputy mandates. These people are Viktor Medvedchuk's henchmen, and they should have been appointed Gauleiters.

Now such characters began to experience a certain pressure and discomfort. And, obviously, they love and appreciate comfort very much. Political scientist Mykola Davidyuk said this Channel 24.

The place of these bastards is in prison

Royal, Malt and other traitors understand that a visit to parliament may turn out to be impossible for them to leave the country. Moreover, the mandate makes it difficult for them to acquire property in Europe.

“The main thing is that the society does not want to see these scum as people's deputies and the Opposition Platform for Life in the Ukrainian parliament. The only place for them in Ukraine is a prison. They can pay extra, and the cell will be cleaner, they may not pay extra, and it will be less comfortable. But it certainly should not be Dubai, Nice, Vienna – the places they have chosen for their battalions,” Davidyuk notes.

This issue, he is sure, should have been raised long ago. The entire OPPL faction should be deprived of mandates.

We need to pass a law on rashism. Recognize the ideology of Russian imperialism and the “Russian world” as criminal, because this is what the Nazis did, the political scientist emphasized.

And it is necessary to make sure that a party that will propagate the use of the Russian language and the installation of monuments to Pushkin or Lenin.

Ukraine needs to be cleaned up to be a beautiful Central European country – like Poland, the Czech Republic or Germany. For some reason, in France we don't see the “party of Putin's lovers”, the “party of Russian culture” or the “party of the Russian church,” Davidyuk notes.

Therefore, mandates must be taken away, he is convinced, in order to protect the Ukrainian future from such characters and ideas.

The political scientist believes that our law enforcement agencies need to hurry – to detain and confiscate their funds, because this is collaborationism and work for a criminal regime. It is necessary to initiate criminal proceedings. “Do you think that Korolevskaya honestly earned her money and did not break the law? Ask the Chernobyl victims,” ​​the political scientist says.

There are also a lot of questions about the rest of the HLE. As Davidyuk notes, our security forces need to fill the budget with the money of top-level collaborators.

Again, Boyko should not voice that the Royal has drawn up a mandate. He himself should be one of those who sit in the dock and will soon go for an exchange, like Medvedchuk. Sorry, but we took 500 people for him, – the political scientist noted.

However, a serious question is – where is Medvedchuk's money? Yes, real estate in Kyiv remained. “Why is all this not in the budget? Why should we borrow money? Why should the salary of a soldier who is not on the front line now be reduced to 14 thousand?” Davidyuk notes. It cannot be so. Guys who give their lives, brains and talents can't get that kind of money.

Instead, Medvedchuk's several billion dollars are hanging in the air. You will feed the Ukrainian army with this money for six months! Where is Surkis? The fact that he wears the T-shirt of the Ukrainian national team does not mean that he has done anything for our state,” Mykola Davidyuk emphasized.

These issues should be brought to court. Some for exchange, some for jail. “The Russian caudlo must end its existence in the state of Ukraine, and they definitely should not sit in the Verkhovna Rada,” the political scientist says.

Medvedchuk's henchmen are escaping from the ship! HLE will avoid responsibly

The society won't let you down

Some work is being done – not all at once. But thanks to journalists, it is highlighted and the security forces are reminded that not all homework is done. “I think they are now becoming more active. Not only on the track of corruption, but also on the track of collaborators sitting in the Verkhovna Rada,” Davidyuk is sure.

In addition, they sit on the Olympic Committee, local councils, middle-level officials, in business. The Royal has a lot of food brands and other products that she sold to Ukrainians and felt fine.

True, she was sitting in Dubai with Malt, and their life was clearly sweet . For some reason, they did not think about the Ukrainians. She was the first to surrender the Luhansk region, where she was born and elected. These people surrendered territories, they definitely cannot be forgiven, – the political scientist explained.

It is worth mentioning Khoroshkovsky. This character is also, emphasizes Davidyuk, “a great patriot.” “He lives in Bulgari – the most expensive hotel in the world! He plundered the entire customs house during Yushchenko's time, engaged in collaborationism later – and we have no questions for him. Strange. But journalists show where efforts should be directed. These rats are ready to share millions in order to save billions,” Davidyuk draws attention.

The political scientist is convinced that soon there will be many suspicions and deadlines. The fact is that the population will not give up.

The soldiers fighting at the front certainly don’t want to whitewash the Opposition Platform for Life and give them the opportunity to be elected to the new Verkhovna Rada. The country has changed, it is moving forward – not for someone to gain political points for themselves or think that they will return to Ukraine from Karlovy Vary and tell us how to live and love the Russian language and Putin, – the political scientist notes.

All of them must answer to their voters for the fact that Putin's puppeteers came to Ukraine to kill people. This issue should be taken seriously. “If Korolevskaya pays 10 million dollars with one check, did she earn them with hard work?” Davidyuk says.

The MP’s business worked in the occupied territories, where she did not pay taxes. And she imported goods, the political scientist adds, through Belarusian gaskets, supposedly bypassing the territory of Russia, but in fact she paid at checkpoints. “These are also issues of collaboration and financing of terrorism,” the political scientist admits.

According to Davidyuk, now journalists will add facts, and law enforcement agencies will begin to close these issues.

“They themselves began to hand over mandates, because they got scared and realized that no one would just leave them here,” summed up Davidyuk.

What is known about Royal and Malt

  • Recently, Royal and Malt have been spotted in Dubai. The media reported that the couple purchased real estate back in the fall.
  • In recent years, the couple have built a political career as representatives of the HLE. The court banned her activities in the summer of 2022.
  • Korolevskaya has repeatedly found herself at the epicenter of a scandal. In particular, she was included in the Peacemaker database for ties with the FSB and organizing sabotage measures on the territory of Ukraine. She also advocated the return of the Russian language to schools, saying that in Ukraine “and so everyone speaks Russian.” Such narratives of his wife were actively supported by Malt.
  • Probably, the scandalous MP has forgotten how to count. So, in her declaration they found a “discrepancy” for almost 50 million. This is the declaration for 2020.

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