Home » They climb into battle like zombies: what is the “secret” of Wagner PMC mercenaries

They climb into battle like zombies: what is the “secret” of Wagner PMC mercenaries

by alex

I often see reports from our fighters that the prisoners of the Wagner PMC are behaving very inappropriately. They go on the attack at full height, do not duck down and generally look more like some kind of zombie.

Wagner PMC is teeming with drug addicts and dealers< /h2>

I'll say this – nothing surprising. It's not even that they're allowed to drink.

In the ranks of PMC “Wagner” there are many drug addicts and drug dealers who were recruited from correctional colonies. As part of the PMC, they not only did not forget their business, but also expanded the drug distribution network. This happened with the assistance of Yevgeny Prigozhin himself.

For example, Vadim Tekhov, a former North Ossetian law enforcement officer, was convicted in October 2018 of possession and sale of drugs. In September 2022, he signed up for the Wagner PMC and left to fight in Ukraine.

On November 16, Tekhov was detained for drug trafficking for Russian servicemen in the occupied territories of Ukraine. He ran a drug trafficking network among the Russian military, but, apparently, forgot that he also had to share with the command of the occupiers.

Drugs are the only motivator of mercenaries

Just a month ago, Prigozhin personally awarded the recidivist Anatoly Salmin, known for his convictions for possession, distribution and use of drugs. He himself comes from the city of Pikalevo. It is known that the locals are very afraid of this man.

In the ranks of Wagner PMC there are many people associated with drug trafficking and even detained for drug trafficking and distribution in the war zone. And now, the question is, if the drugs of the regular Russian army are distributed through the PMC “Wagner”, then what is the probability that among the Wagnerites “being on a dose” is quite normal?

This is where the “zombie” effect of the Wagnerites comes from. The sale and use of drugs in their ranks is in the order of things. Moreover, this is the only “engine” for their atrophied brain, forcing them to go and die under the bullets of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, without even bending down.

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