Home » They are following their own traps: the Russian army is advancing through its own minefields

They are following their own traps: the Russian army is advancing through its own minefields

by alex

On the southern front, the Russian military is going on the offensive with minefields that they themselves have laid out in the so-called “gray zone.”

A representative of the Army South stated this on air on the FREEDOM TV channel. Sergey Bratchuk.

“There is such an element as the offensive of the Russian army through its own minefields,” he noted.

In addition, Bratchuk noted that this happens, in particular, in the 810th separate marine brigade of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation and in the Storm-Z unit in the Kherson direction.

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According to the speaker, the enemy is seeking to reduce the “gray zone” and narrow the bridgeheads conquered by the Ukrainian army on the left bank.

For this, according to Bratchuk, fighters of the Russian airborne troops are being transferred to the Kherson direction – in particular, the 104th Airborne Division. She was moved from the Zaporozhye direction. Some formations and units of this division are now moving along the left bank of the Dnieper to the temporarily occupied territories of the Kherson region.

— Some of them appear on the isthmus with Crimea. What is happening, why is this happening? I think we will get answers to these questions in the near future. But the fact that the enemy there is “alarming” is unambiguous, says Army Speaker South.

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