Home » They are developing in different directions: what influences the decision to provide ATACMS and Taurus to Ukraine

They are developing in different directions: what influences the decision to provide ATACMS and Taurus to Ukraine

by alex

Providing long-range missiles to Ukraine/Collage 24 Channel

Ukraine is looking forward to a decision on the transfer of long-range ATACMS and Taurus missiles. However, so far our partners cannot overcome their doubts and make a fateful decision for Ukrainians.

Defense Express expert Ivan Kirichevsky explainedChannel 24how the provision of long-range missiles from the United States and Germany to Ukraine is affected by attacks on Russian naval vessels.

Depict passionarity

The transfer of German Taurus missiles to Ukraine is influenced by the decision of the German Bundestag to provide money for additional purchase of missiles. A specific situation emerges when German parliamentarians pretend to be passionate and demand from Olaf Scholz and Boris Pistorius more arms assistance to Ukraine and engage in unnecessary bureaucracy regarding purchases for the Bundeswehr.

Perhaps Pistorius was a little tired of the Taurus story, so he said that Germany would hand over the Taurus, but asked for money for new missiles, Kirichevsky said.

What is preventing the provision of ATACMS and Taurus: watch the video

US attitude has changed

In the case of the United States, the story is similar. Probably, this decision is influenced by the fact that they need to be simply repaired.

There is talk on the Internet that the modernization of the Ukrainian Neptune rocket may move the deadlock in the decision regarding ATACMS. However, according to the Defense Express expert, the fact of the appearance of the long-range Neptune can hardly speed up the process because there are certain technological cycles that are tied to political ones.

“The only thing that the use of Ukrainian Neptunes could have affected was perhaps the US attitude to use ATACMS. This sacred point is no longer even mentioned that Ukraine cannot hit Russian territory,” Kirichevsky added.

Transfer of long-range missiles to Ukraine

  • Chancellor Olaf Scholz is the only person blocking the supply of Taurus long-range missiles to Ukraine. His hesitation is costing Ukrainians their lives. At the same time, the politician himself rejects all accusations of indecisiveness.
  • Analysts suggest that US President Joseph Biden will be able to change the position of German Chancellor Scholz if he agrees to transfer ATACMS missiles to Ukraine.
  • According to CNN, the Biden administration may soon make a final decision on the transfer of ATACMS missiles. The Wall Street Journal, citing unnamed officials from the US presidential administration, also reported that Ukraine is close to receiving ATACMS in the fall, but in limited quantities.

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