Home » They are beating the enemy on his own territory: what is the situation in Kursk for paratroopers from the 80th brigade

They are beating the enemy on his own territory: what is the situation in Kursk for paratroopers from the 80th brigade

by alex

Ukrainian paratroopers in the Kursk region are confronted by units of the Marine Corps and the Russian Airborne Forces, but their combat training is different.

At the same time, local residents of the Kursk region, when meeting with Ukrainian soldiers, ask for the end of the war and remember their Ukrainian roots.

Senior officer of the communications department of the 80th separate airborne assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Petro Gaidashchuk told the host of the United News telethon Vadim Karpyak about this.

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He recalled that the 80th Airborne Assault Brigade, along with other units, is continuing its operation in the Kursk region of Russia, where the enemy has recently become more active.

— We are beating the enemy on its territory. The enemy has become more active, has moved to serious defensive actions, and is putting up serious resistance in some places, but we are managing to inflict fire damage on it and gradually advance further into enemy territory, — the senior officer said.

Gaidaschuk says that local Russians in the Kursk region have a “rather interesting reaction.”

— They are a little shocked and surprised that the war has come to their land. Now that there has been no influence of Russian propaganda on their territory for two months, they all want order and an end to the war. Our guys communicate with them, and provide them with all-round assistance whenever possible. This could be food, drinking water, and anything else that the local civilian population might need, — he says.

The senior officer of the 80th brigade says that the older generation of Kursk residents speak Ukrainian very well, and their parents, according to the townspeople, have Ukrainian roots.

At the same time, he says that due to the fighting, local residents in some places do not have electricity, and, accordingly, the influence of Russian propaganda.

As for the fighting, within the framework of the Kursk operation, Galician paratroopers are opposed by units of Russian paratroopers and marines.

— Divisions (RF, — Red.) in their professionalism and combat training are also different, because our actions in Kursk region prompted the enemy to transfer their combat-ready units from the East, Donbass. Both trained and untrained fighters happen in different ways, — he says.

Petro Gaidaschuk adds that Russian drones have now become more active in this direction, both reconnaissance and strike. However, Ukrainian fighters are repelling enemy attempts to dislodge the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

The senior communications officer of the 80th Galician Brigade adds that today his unit needs drones of different types: both strike and reconnaissance. The presence of these drones will allow Ukrainian paratroopers to protect their personnel, says Gaidaschuk.

There are never enough drones. Electronic warfare equipment is also needed to combat enemy drones. Therefore, do not be indifferent, — he explains.

Friends of the DShV: support the defenders of the 80th brigade

To further ensure the safety of the fighters of the 80th brigade, as well as to facilitate their work in the Kursk region, every willing Ukrainian can help the 80th Galician Brigade, namely — become a Friend of the Airborne Forces.

The all-Ukrainian platform Friends of the Airborne Forces provides an opportunity for everyone to make a one-time donation or make a monthly payment in order to bring the day of victory over the Russian aggressor closer with joint efforts.

Becoming a Friend of the Airborne Forces — is simple, just follow the link, choose the brigade you want to support (for example, the 80th Airborne Assault Brigade), or send financial assistance to the general fund of the Friends of the Airborne Forces project, from which funds will be distributed for the current needs of Ukrainian paratroopers.

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