Home » They are afraid to say something against the war, – Gallyamov spoke about the mood of the Russians

They are afraid to say something against the war, – Gallyamov spoke about the mood of the Russians

by alex

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While Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is fully committed to the war with Ukraine, the pressure on the Russian population continues to grow. In fact, Russians are forbidden to even think about the negative consequences of the war.

About thisChannel 24said the Russian opposition political scientist Abbas Gallyamov. According to him, Putin does not care about the opinions of the Russian population regarding the personnel decisions of the top leadership.

Putin does not need the opinion of the Russians

The political scientist said, that the mood of the Russian population in the current conditions cannot be measured, arrests have already begun even for private conversations against the war.

In addition, Vladimir Putin does not particularly need this information, since he is not guided by it when making his decisions. The only exception is the negative mood on mobilization, which is why he is postponing the second wave of mobilization for the time being.

“In general, what will the Russians think about his personnel decisions if these decisions are tied to the SVO and its needs, then he won't bother about it,” said Abbas Gallyamov.

How Russians treat Yevgeny Prigozhin

The opposition political scientist noted that there are no sociological studies on the attitude towards Prigozhin. It is possible that such studies are being conducted by the Kremlin, but this is not publicly available.

Abbas Galyamov talks about the attitude of Russians towards Prigozhin: watch the video

Even if we imagine conducting a sociological study in Russia, its results would hardly be an indicator of the actual situation, because Russians are forbidden to have a negative attitude towards the war, and those who are really against it are frightened by the possible consequences.

Now people are being dragged into jail and given sentences, although they are still small, like petty hooliganism, but in any case, this is a minus in your biography, for private conversations condemning “SVO,” Gallyamov said.

According to the political scientist, it is difficult to determine the real attitude of Russians towards Prigozhin, since there is room for mixed feelings. On the one hand, for them, he is a “hero of the SVO” and “saves the Motherland from the Ukrainian fascists”, but on the other hand, he is condescending towards the population, despises non-belligerent men.

At the same time, the Russians understand that despite his negative personality, he, as a “hero of Russia”, must be accepted.

This situation, according to Gallyamov, is now causing mixed feelings of Russians towards Prigozhin. At the same time, he does not offer the Russians what they want.

They want the horror to end as soon as possible, so that it all ends soon, to forget it like a bad dream, and he offers them an escalation of the conflict. He says: “Everything for the front, everything for victory.” He dominates even Putin with his radicalism,” said Abbas Gallyamov.

The oppositionist believes that deep down Russians do not like the war, but they are afraid to express it publicly, and repressions in Russia are close to Stalin’s when for a negative attitude a Russian is already, at least, sued.

Anti-Ukrainian hysteria is growing in Russia

  • Because of the war that began in Russia against Ukraine, not only Ukrainians suffer, but also Russians themselves, who, in addition to financial losses, suffer from mass utilization of the population in the war, international isolation and limited opportunities.
  • But this does not stop either Putin or the Russians themselves. They are ready to endure everything just to destroy Ukraine. For this, the Russian authorities have been cultivating hatred for Ukrainians for years, and this has become the main goal of Russia's existence.
  • For example, in the Kirov region, children beat a 9-year-old boy because he had a blue and yellow sled. During the scuffle, they called him “Ukrainian” as if it was something offensive.

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