Home » There will be an increase in rates: how Russia uses the lack of a NATO response to a missile over Romania

There will be an increase in rates: how Russia uses the lack of a NATO response to a missile over Romania

by alex

During a massive missile attack on the morning of February 10, one of the Russian missiles flew over the territory of Romania. However, NATO, as usual, decided to keep quiet about this incident and turn a blind eye to it.

First of all, such incidents point to the accuracy of Russian “high-precision” weapons. Ivan Stupak, former SBU officer and expert of the Ukrainian Institute for the Future, emphasized this on the airChannel 24.

How the Russian missile ended up over Romania

The interlocutor admits that during the flight from the take-off point to the point of impact, the Russian missile could simply deviate from the course. Thus, it flew into the territory of Romania.

It flew over several villages in the territory of Moldova, Romania and again flew into the territory of Ukraine. This can be attributed to the narrow-mindedness of the Russians, first of all, Ivan Stupak admits.

However, this is just one of the possible options. Another of these is the likely expectation that Ukraine will shoot down a missile when it flies in the border zone, and its fragments will again fall into the territory of a NATO member state.

“Citizens of the European Union and NATO will die or be injured And in this case, Ukraine will lose its reputation, there will be problems again, as in the case of Poland,” says the ex-SBU officer.

Therefore, in his opinion, the most likely version is a provocation. Its goal is for Ukraine to shoot down this missile, and its fragments to cause damage to a NATO member country. In this case, Romania.

Air Force on missile over Romania: watch video

How Russia uses NATO's lack of response

In addition, the interlocutor predicted what the next scenarios from Russia might be, when the aggressor clearly sees that none of the countries of the North Atlantic Alliance react to such incidents.

They may continue to deliberately launch missiles through NATO countries towards Ukraine. Imagine: a missile flies through the whole of Romania, through Bucharest and hits the western part of Ukraine,” Ivan Stupak said.

He noted that Russia could indeed try to raise rates in this way in the future. This will lead to a further escalation of the war.

Russian missile over Romania

  • On the morning of February 10, Russia launched another massive rocket attack on the territory of Ukraine. The exact number of missiles fired is still unknown, but there are already information about many dozens.
  • One of the missiles flew over the territory of Moldova and Romania. The latter is a member of the North Atlantic Alliance. Moldova immediately called the Russian ambassador because of the violation of the country's airspace.
  • Romania, a member of NATO, decided to silence this incident. The Ministry of Defense of the country said that the missile flight was recorded 35 kilometers from the border.

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