Home » There is no point in negotiating with Russia today – OPU

There is no point in negotiating with Russia today – OPU

by alex

Podrlyak about negotiations with Russia/collage 24 channels

Russians are increasingly coming out into the public plane with the need to continue the process of negotiations between Ukraine and the terrorist country. It makes no sense to negotiate anything with Russia and this will not happen.


Mikhail Podolyak, adviser to the head of the Presidential Office, spoke about this in an exclusive stream channel 24. He also noted that Russians from almost every teapot say that they should immediately sit down at the negotiating table.

“Today, it makes no sense to sit down with Russia at the negotiating table. For Russians today, it is important to fix the status quo in order to preserve “territorial assets.” Also, the occupiers seek to fix their “victory”, because they took part of the territories from Ukraine,” explains Mikhail Podolyak.

Why you should not negotiate with the Russians at this stage

According to Podolyak, after the negotiations, the Russians will go on an operational pause, recruit people, call out a little. The demoralization of Ukraine and Europe will also be an important factor, because any truce against today's background is only demoralization.

“And, after a while, they will start the offensive again for new invented reasons,” says the adviser to the head of the Presidential Office.

Therefore, any negotiations from a philosophical, practical or economic point of view are not beneficial for Ukraine, Mykhailo Podolyak stressed.

Why negotiations are not beneficial for Ukraine

“Economically, no one wants to to invest in our country, we will not be able to boost the economy. On the philosophical side, you can’t talk to the killer at all, they only need to be punished according to the law,” adds Podolyak.

Under what conditions can we talk with the Russians, when they get significant tactical defeats on the battlefield.

Then all their “show-offs” will be washed away by hand, there will be no more Russian invaders. You will see bright and small people who will cry and look at their feet, – Mikhail Podolyak is convinced.

“And then it will be fashionable to see that these are not “wolves”, but a herd of jackals. After that, with them it will be possible to carry out certain negotiation work, this is certain,” Yermak's adviser sums up.

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