Home » There is no limit to cynicism: the occupiers said they would make Mariupol a “resort city”

There is no limit to cynicism: the occupiers said they would make Mariupol a “resort city”

by alex

Occupiers said they would turn Mariupol into a “resort city”/DW

months they bombed Mariupol and killed thousands of its inhabitants, they decided to turn the city into a “resort”.

Adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, Petr Andryushchenko, said that such a cynical statement was made by the leader of the militants Denis Pushilin.

Pushilin defiantly sets himself the “task” to make Mariupol a resort town. This statement was also picked up by the Russian propaganda media.

As I understand it, the ringleader Pushilin already celebrated in full on May 9, because even my sarcasm is in a stupor,” Andryushchenko wrote. Mariupol. An eternal flame was brought to the city from Moscow. However, the Mariupol residents themselves were not on the bones in this holiday. The invaders failed to “zombify” the Ukrainians.

What did the invaders turn Mariupol into

The invaders from the first days of the war took the city under blockade. However, the Ukrainian defenders courageously defended it, heavy fighting continued. The invaders were not stopped even by the fact that there were a lot of civilians in Mariupol. There is not a single surviving house left in the city.

So far, the only place that they have not managed to capture is the territory of the Azovstal plant. These bunkers sheltered several hundred civilians who lived nearby. In addition, there were fighters of the Azov battalion and marines. In early May, they managed to withdraw all the civilians.

The Russians mocked the civilians, trying to hide the traces of their crimes. They brought mobile crematoria into the city to burn the bodies of the dead. Some of the dead were buried in a large fraternal moly in the village of Mangush, west of the city towards Berdyansk.

According to the Ombudswoman for Human Rights Lyudmila Denisova, far more than 20,000 people died in Mariupol. Note that during the two months of the war, the Russians killed more Mariupol residents than the Nazis during the 2 years of occupation during World War II.

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