Home » “There is an order to reach the borders of the region until September 15”: the occupiers are preparing a “referendum” in Mariupol

“There is an order to reach the borders of the region until September 15”: the occupiers are preparing a “referendum” in Mariupol

by alex

Russians do not give up hope of holding pseudo-referendums in the occupied territories. In particular, active preparation of Russians for this was noticed in Mariupol. But first they need to seize the entire Donetsk region, and now it looks unrealistic.

This Channel 24 was told by Petr Andryushchenko, adviser to the Mayor of Mariupol. He says that over the past week, the occupiers have again been ordered to prepare for a pseudo-referendum in Mariupol.

According to him, the Russians are now trying to form election commissions, they should be 4.

“The Russians are trying to find people, but they are not there. Therefore, they promise a big salary, and this is 250 thousand rubles, for work in the commission. However, they have not yet been able to find those who wish,” he said. subtitle cke-markup” dir=”ltr”>What dates are the “referendum” planned for

As for the date, in the Russian media, citing the Kremlin they write that the Russians are instructed to reach the borders of the Donetsk region until September 15, and after that immediately hold a referendum,” Andryushchenko explained.

However, according to the adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, this is not a dream come true of the occupiers, because “we see where September 15 is, and where the borders of the Donetsk region are.”

Therefore, Andryushchenko believes that Mariupol waiting for another postponement, cancellation or something else regarding the “referendum”.

“In addition, the organization of even a demonstrative pseudo-referendum is related to what you need to know , where someone lives in Mariupol. And people are constantly migrating inside the city or leaving it,” he replied.

Let's add that there is still no decision on the pseudo-referendum itself and the date of its holding. It was previously said that it will take place on September 11. But this is doubtful.

At the same time, more and more information has recently been received that the invaders are not just forcibly they take citizens of our state to Russia, but also give up little Ukrainians for adoption.

In addition, the occupiers want to start the school year in the captured city. They plan to open 4 schools and teach 3 subjects there.

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